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Teamfight Tactics European Region Representatives

Teamfight Tactics European Region Representatives
The TFT Roads Championship has been held over the past two weeks. Only 1 of our 4 representatives to represent our country continues on its way. Here are the representatives of the TFT Europe region. Details are in the article.

In our TFT World Championship article we shared recently, we shared the players who will represent the European region. You can also find the information of the players who will represent our country in the TR region in the article we shared. After two weeks of intense competition, the matches were held and the excited waiting came to an end. The names that will appear in the European region for the TFT Roads Championship in 2021 have been determined. There are 4 French, 1 English and 1 Turkish players in the European region, where there will be 6 representatives in total. At the end of the fierce struggle, unfortunately, only Ginggg advanced to the next round among our 4 players, annieconda, Ginggg, Cynarr, desert lord, who represent our country.. You can view the representatives of the European region from the table below;

2021 TFT Roads Championship European Representatives

Pas De Bol (FR)Lyyyress (FR)
Lil Brank (FR)Zykoo (FR)
Ginggg (TR)Lallana (GB)

TFT Roads Championship Prize Pool and Details

The best players of the series will advance to the next round and appear in the TFT Roads Championship 2021 matches. The best players from different parts of the world will compete for the grand prize from the $250,000 prize pool . The tournament will be held from April 7-9 according to the rules of the new 3-day format in the Swiss system . TFT World Championship, of course, we wish success to our TR region representative Ginggg and all the players who will compete. This year, we hope that the grand prize and trophy will be the TR region.

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