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Teleport Vulnerability in Valorant's Bind Map

Teleport Vulnerability in Valorant's Bind Map
With the new 2.07 patch coming to Valorant, some players discovered a new bug. The root cause of the bug related to the Yoru and Teleport area in the Bind map is unknown. Details are in the article.

With the new Valorant 2.07 patch update coming this week, some agents have been adjusted in the game. Minor balancing changes to these agents apparently caused a new in-game bug. We shared with you the Viper, Raze and Astra changes that came with the new patch notes. Click to read the article ⇒  Valorant 2.07 Patch - Astra and Raze

The bug discovered on the Bind map covers the Yoru and Teleport area. Although the reason is not known exactly, it is quite possible that the players who discovered the error will use it for their bad intentions, but we believe that Riot Games will fix the error in a short time.


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Valorant Yoru Teleport Error

The bug, discovered with Valorant 's 2.07 patch , was shared on social media and community pages. The bug implemented with Yoru 's Fake At ability is that when players use the skill at a certain position with the appropriate angle, the Teleport door can be opened from the outside, which gives the player an extra advantage . So, what is the Fake Horse skill and how does it work?

This bug can be applied in conjunction with Yoru's ability, Fake Horse. Teleport door can be opened from the outside when players use Fake At a certain angle with the appropriate angle, which can provide an extra advantage. So what is the Fake Horse skill and how does it work?

Yoru - Fake Horse (C)

  • When activated, you equip an illusion that mimics footsteps. Fire to send forward by activating the illusion. Press down and shoot to place the illusion. Press use to activate the deactivated illusion.

You can open these doors from the outside with the advantage of this Fake Horse ability of Yoru on the Bind map . You can even set these doors, which close automatically after a certain period of time, to leave them open all the time. In the images shared on the Valorant community pages, it seems quite clear how easily this error can be implemented. These Teleport zones allow your opponent or your own team to quickly rotate between zones on the map. That's why YoruThis is a very important gap that he uses with his talent. Thanks to this vulnerability, the strategy and fate of the game can change significantly and cause unfair competition. Of course, this is not an insurmountable problem and we believe that the developers will fix this problem in a short time.

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