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TFT Set 6: Patch 11.24's Best Comps

TFT Set 6: Patch 11.24's Best Comps
We've rounded up the best team comps in the meta in 11.24, the new patch for Tactical Wars. Click to get information.

Tactical Wars patch 11.24 changed the game, and with it the best comps . There are a lot of comps you can do in TFT Set 6 , but how far they will get you to victory depends entirely on Hextech upgrades . If you haven't received upgrades to support your team's unlockables or your carrier's strength, you may experience difficulties. Some compositions may be stronger than others, but the team comps we will give rely on their own characteristics rather than improvements. So you don't need to be offended by your luck. You can do it with peace of mind, you can enter the top four.

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TFT Set 6: Patch 11.24's Best Meta Comps

Tactical Wars Set 6 is the most detailed set of the game ever. However, the incoming buffs and debuffs require you to play certain teams. If your Hextech upgrades are good for your luck, it's possible to make a composition that destroys the opponent's board. But we mentioned that we will talk about non-development-oriented comps . Are you ready to hold your economy?

TFT Set 6: Akali-Shaco Cartel Compound


While TFT 's cartel buff was ridiculed, it only got stronger with a patch, making it one of the best features of the game. Since its durability has been increased when unlocked, it has become more logical and possible to go up to 7 cartels without using the Hextech upgrade.

Akali and Shaco are the perfect duo in the comp. While Shaco deals continuous damage, Akali sweeps away carriers with burst damage. You can carry the items you give to Akali on Twisted Fate until she finds herself . Since TF is a cartel member, he can carry items with high damage while playing a role in keeping the feature unlocked. The fact that they are both assassins allows you to advance without breaking the cartel. If you want to go up to four assassins, you can choose Ekko and Talon.

From here on, it will be all about functionality. Braum and Darius will unlock the protection buff . Zyra and Janna will unlock the scholar buff . Seraphine is a support character that should be in every team, you can also reach 2 socialites with Taric.

TFT Set 6: Cho'Gath Malzahar Mutant Composition


Malzahar, the all-time favorite champion of TFT developer Mortdog,returns. He continues to bethe best carrier of the setwith his mutant buff . With the right buff, the best reroll comp of methane becomes mutants. All possible variants fit Malzahar's goal of backing the team. On the board you must put Malzahar,Cho'Gath, Dr.Mundo, Kog'Maw and fifthly Sion with the mutant spatula. If you can't find the spatula, you'll need to find Kai'Sa. Characters should be placed to withstand both the front and back phases of your team. You can strengthen Malzahar by including a second enchantress. If the socialite square is in a decent position, Seraphine would be a good choice.

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TFT Set 6: Urgot Carrier Comp


Urgot is one ofthe most flexiblecarriers in Tactical Wars . As long as he takes advantage of the Double Shot feature, he can handle it alone. You may not have a better choice for melting tank characters like butter. Mutant comps himselfAlthough you can see it next to it, it is possible to turn it into your main carrier when you focus on it. You should definitely give Runaan's Hurricane and Eternal Sword to Urgot. For incredibly tough opponents, you can choose your third item from Giant Slayer or Last Whisper. If you find plenty of chemical characters, you can choose them instead of the combative feature. With Tahm Kench, you can use Lissandra and Viktor instead of Vi. If you're dealing with a bunch of offensive force teams, it'll do the trick.

As long as you have Mundo, Zac, Urgot and one of the double shot characters (preferably Jinx), you can feed any combination you want to the team.

TFT Set 6: Kog'Maw Carry


The Tactical Wars comp you used to get used to from Set 3 is back. However, the taste may have changed a bit. You can find Graves, Garen, Kassadin, Caitlyn and Kog'Maw characters up to level 5 and make them 3 stars. You can then roll the dice and find the remaining champions while protecting your economy.

If you want to have another Sniper carrier, we will talk about the Jhin version.

TFT Set 6: Jhin Carry


Jhin kompu relies on Miss Fortune, TFT 's second sniper. But the whole event will happen on your mighty front lines. While the Alim buffwill grant mana,the enchanted team'shealth from being reduced. It's a bit of an expensive suit, but you can get your confidence by placing Jhin's items in the Talon early in the game. Snipers became one of the best comps in the meta with 11.24 patch.

These were the best team comps of the TFT Set 6 11.24 patch meta . You can shorten the road to victory by combining the builds we provide with other features. 
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TAGS: TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 özellikleri TFT Set 6 kompozisyon Taktik Savaşları Set 6 TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 özellikleri TFT Set 6 kompozisyon Taktik Savaşları Set 6 TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 özellikleri TFT Set 6 kompozisyon Taktik Savaşları Set 6 TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 özellikleri TFT Set 6 kompozisyon TFT Set 6 en iyi komp TFT Set 6 komp önerileri TFT Set 6 komp özellikleri TFT Set 6’nın en iyi meta komp önerileri TFT en iyi komp set 6 TFT Set 6 Urgot TFT Set 6 Urgot komp TFT Set 6 Urgot item TFT Set 6 Urgot dizilimi TFT Set 6 Mutant TFT Set 6 Mutant komp tft set 6 malzahar TFT Set 6 Urgot TFT Set 6 Urgot komp TFT Set 6 Urgot item TFT Set 6 Urgot dizilimi TFT Set 6 Mutant TFT Set 6 Mutant komp TFT Set 6 komp TFT Set 6 komp listesi TFT Set 6 komplar TFT Set 6 komp önerileri 2021 TFT Set 6 en güçlü komp TFT Set 6 eşyalar TFT Set 6 ekko TFT Set 6 Akali-Shaco Kartel Kompu TFT Set 6 Cho’Gath Malzahar Mutant Kompozisyonu TFT Set 6 Cho’Gath Malzahar Mutant Komp TFT Set 6 Urgot Taşıyıcı TFT Set 6 Kog’Maw Carry TFT Set 6 Jhin Carry TFT Set 6 Jhin Carry komp TFT Set 6 Kog’Maw Carry komp TFT Set 6 akali komp TFT Set 6 ekko dizilimi TFT Set 6 shaco item TFT Set 6 shaco komp tft set 6 malzahar itemleri tft set 6 malzahar eşyaları tft set 6 malzahar dizilimi tft set 6 malzahar build tft set 6 mutant buffs tft set 6 urgot items tft set 6 urgot itemleri tft set 6 urgot eşyaları tft set 6 urgot eşya tft set 6 jhin tft set 6 jhin komp tft set 6 jhin itemleri tft set 6 jhin item tft set 6 jhin eşya tft set 6 takım komp tft set 6 takım kompları tft set 6 en iyi kompları tft set 6 en iyi komp listesi tft set 6 hextech eklentileri tft set 6 hextech tft set 6 hextech geliştirmeleri taktik savaşları set 6 en iyi komp tft set 6 kartel tft set 6 kartel güçlendirmesi tft set 6 kartel buff tft set 6 kartel komp tft set 6 kartel dizilimi tft set 6 twisted fate tft set 6 twisted fate item tft set 6 twisted fate eşyaları tft set 6 koruma tft set 6 koruma buff tft set 6 koruma kartel tft set 6 koruma kartelası tft set 6 koruma taktikleri tft set 6 alim tft set 6 alim 2021 tft set 6 alim item tft set 6 alim güçlendirmesi tft set 6 tank tft set 6 efsuncu tft set 6 efsuncu alim tft set 6 efsuncu eşyaları

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