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TFT Set 6.5 Hextech Extensions

TFT Set 6.5 Hextech Extensions
Riot has expanded the Hextech Addons mechanics in TFT Set 6.5 with over 80 new buffs added to the Neon Nights mid-set update.

Riot has expanded the Hextech Addons mechanics in TFT Set 6.5 with over 80 new buffs added to the Neon Nights mid-set update . Launched with TFT Set 6: Devices and Inventions , the Hextech Add-ons system was a hit and a hit among gamers for the variety of options it offers.

Overall, 87 new Hextech Addons are available in TFT Set 6.5. Some of the enhancements were inspired by features from previous sets, such as the Draconic-style Golden Egg and Tiny Titans of the Galaxies (known at the time as Middle Legends). Radiant items also return with a new ammo addon, while some pre-existing addons like Weakspot have been reworked to increase variety.


►  TFT Devices and Inventions Card: Set 6.5 Rewards


TFT Set 6.5 Neon Nights All Hextech Addons

The TFT mid-set update will includeover 20 new units, three new champion features , 80 new buffs. It will also include a new card, minor legends, arenas, and Project Abyssia as a new legendary minor legend. In addition to all this, Arcane's Silco will be joining the mix as a new unit.


HextechHextech Bonus
Archangel's Compassion IAfter using their abilities, your units gain ability power equal to 15% of their maximum mana.
Rear Seat IUnits that start the battle in the first 2 rows from behind gain 25% attack speed.
War Mage IUnits that start the battle in the first 2 rows from the front gain 30 ability power.
Cybernetic Enhancements IChampions with an item gain 150 health and 10 attack damage.
Shredder IYour units' attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 2% of the target's maximum Health.
Electrocharge IDeals 90 magic damage to enemies near critically struck units. (1 second cooldown)
Irresistible AttractionCasanova champions take 25% less damage. You win a Leona.
guards IGrants 125 health shields to adjacent allies for 8 seconds at the start of combat.
Luden's Echo I

When your units cast spells and deal ability damage, the first target hit and an enemy nearby take 150 bonus magic damage.

Meditation IUnits without items regenerate 3 Mana per second.
Second Chance IHeals units for 50% of their missing health 10 seconds after combat begins.
Heart of the Enterprise1 more daredevil is added to your team. You gain one Rek'sai.
Treasure IYou gain 1 blue and 1 gray loot orb.
Triple Power IYour 3 gold units gain 233 Health, 13 starting Mana, and 33% Attack Speed.


HextechHextech Bonus
Archangel's Compassion IIAfter using abilities, units gain ability power equivalent to 25% of their maximum mana. 
Rear Seat IIUnits that start the battle in the first 2 rows from behind gain 35% attack speed.
War Mage IIUnits that start the battle in the first 2 rows from the front gain 45 ability power.
Component DrawYou will randomly gain 3 component items.
Cybernetic Enhancements IIChampions with an item gain 250 health and 45 attack damage.
Hextech CrestYou gain a Hextech Emblem and Nocturne.
Shredder IIDeals bonus magic damage equal to 3% of the target's maximum health.​
Electrocharge IICritically struck units deal 150 magic damage to nearby enemies.
Golden Gifts IYou gain 1 gold and 1 loot orb.
Jeweled LotusMagic damage and true damage dealt by units can critically strike.
Guards IIGrants 225 shields to adjacent allies for 8 seconds at the start of combat.
Luden's Echo IIWhen your units deal and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 225 bonus magic damage.
Meditation IIUnitems regenerate 7 mana per second.
Second Chance IIRestores 75% of units' missing health 10 seconds after combat begins.
Treasure IIGet 1 blue and 2 gray loot orbs.
Triple Power IIYour 3-gold units gain 333 health, 23 starting mana, and 33% attack speed.​
Weak Point IIIgnores up to 40% of the armor of their units' attack targets and reduces their healing effects by 50% for 5 seconds.


HextechHextech Bonus
Archangel's Compassion IIIAfter using their abilities, your units gain Ability Power equal to 35% of their maximum Mana.
Rear seat IIIUnits that start the battle in the first 2 rows from behind gain 50% attack speed.
War Mage IIIUnits that start the battle in the first 2 rows from the front gain 60 ability power.
Cybernetic Enhancements IIIChampions with an item gain 350 health and 60 attack damage.
Shredder IIIYour units' attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum Health.
Electrocharge IIIWhen your units receive a critical attack, they deal 200 magic damage to nearby enemies. (1 second cooldown)
Golden Gifts IIGet 2 gold loot orbs.
Luden's Echo IIIWhen your units deal and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 300 bonus magic damage.
Meditation IIIYour unfurnished units regenerate 7 Mana per second.
Second Chance IIIRestores 80% of units' missing health 10 seconds after combat begins.
Treasure IIIGet 3 blue loot and 2 gray loot orbs.
Triple Power IIIYour 3-gold units gain 433 Health, 33 Mana, and 53% Attack Speed.
Emerald VeilYour units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 10 seconds of combat.
Weak Point IIIYour units' attacks ignore 60% of the target's Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 5 seconds.

TFT Set 6.5 will arrive on Wednesday, February 16, along with patch 12.4.

► Set 6.5 discount has started in RP. Buy now discounted LoL TFT Riot Points RP, don't miss the new set rewards: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends

TAGS: TFT TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6 TFT Set 6.5 TFT Set 6.5 ne zaman TFT Set 6.5 ne zaman çıkıyor TFT Set 6.5 yeni şampiyonlar TFT Set 6.5 şampiyonlar TFT Set 6.5 özellikler TFT Set 6.5 Silco TFT Set 6.5 çıkış tarihi tft set 6.5 yama notları tft set 6.5 Hextech eklentileri TFT Set 6.5 ne zaman çıkıyor? tft set 6.5 yama tft set 6.5 pbe tft set 6.5 yeni eklentiler tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri ne zaman tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri eklentileri tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri hextech eklentileri tft set 6.5 set ortası güncellemesi tft set 6.5 set ortası güncellemesi ne zaman tft set 6.5 Hextech Eklentileri listesi tft Neon Geceleri tft Neon Geceleri ne zaman tft Neon Geceleri ne zaman çıkıyor tft Neon Geceleri küçük efsane tft Neon Geceleri eklentiler tft Neon Geceleri geliştirmeler tft Neon Geceleri battle pass tft Neon Geceleri pass tft Neon Geceleri kartı tft Neon Geceleri Hextech Eklentisi tft Neon Geceleri Hextech Eklentileri tft Neon Geceleri Muhafızlar tft Neon Geceleri Savaş Büyücüsü tft Neon Geceleri Zayıf Nokta tft Neon Geceleri Luden’in Feryadı tft Neon Geceleri Hextech Arması tft Neon Geceleri Parçalayıcı tft Neon Geceleri Karşı Konulmaz Cazibe tft Neon Geceleri Atılgan Yüreği tft Neon Geceleri İkinci şans tft Neon Geceleri Sibernetik Geliştirmeler tft Neon Geceleri Elektroşarj tft Neon Geceleri Mücevherli Nilüfer tft Neon Geceleri Arka koltuk tft Neon Geceleri Bileşen çekilişi tft Neon Geceleri Başmeleğin Şefkati tft Neon Geceleri Meditasyon tft Neon Geceleri Define tft Neon Geceleri Altın Hediyeler tft Neon Geceleri Üçlü Güç tft Üçlü Güç tft İkinci Şans tft Başmeleğin Şefkati tft Altın Hediyeler tft Parçalayıcı tft Define tft Zümrüt Duvak tft Elektroşarj tft Meditasyon tft Bileşen çekilişi tft Arka koltuk tft Mücevherli Nilüfer tft Sibernetik Geliştirmeler tft Atılgan Yüreği tft Karşı Konulmaz Cazibe tft Hextech Arması tft Luden’in Feryadı tft Zayıf Nokta tft Savaş Büyücüsü tft Muhafızlar tft set 6.5 yama tft set 6.5 pbe tft set 6.5 yeni eklentiler tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri ne zaman tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri eklentileri tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri hextech eklentileri tft set 6.5 set ortası güncellemesi tft set 6.5 set ortası güncellemesi ne zaman tft set 6.5 Hextech Eklentileri listesi tft Neon Geceleri tft Neon Geceleri ne zaman tft Neon Geceleri ne zaman çıkıyor tft Neon Geceleri küçük efsane tft Neon Geceleri eklentiler tft Neon Geceleri geliştirmeler tft Neon Geceleri battle pass tft Neon Geceleri pass tft Neon Geceleri kartı tft Neon Geceleri Hextech Eklentisi tft Neon Geceleri Hextech Eklentileri tft Neon Geceleri Muhafızlar tft Neon Geceleri Savaş Büyücüsü tft Neon Geceleri Zayıf Nokta tft Neon Geceleri Luden’in Feryadı tft Neon Geceleri Hextech Arması tft Neon Geceleri Parçalayıcı tft Neon Geceleri Karşı Konulmaz Cazibe tft Neon Geceleri Atılgan Yüreği tft Neon Geceleri İkinci şans tft Neon Geceleri Sibernetik Geliştirmeler tft Neon Geceleri Elektroşarj tft Neon Geceleri Mücevherli Nilüfer tft Neon Geceleri Arka koltuk tft Neon Geceleri Bileşen çekilişi tft Neon Geceleri Başmeleğin Şefkati tft Neon Geceleri Meditasyon tft Neon Geceleri Define tft Neon Geceleri Altın Hediyeler tft Neon Geceleri Üçlü Güç tft Üçlü Güç tft İkinci Şans tft Başmeleğin Şefkati tft Altın Hediyeler tft Parçalayıcı tft Define tft Zümrüt Duvak tft Elektroşarj tft Meditasyon tft Bileşen çekilişi tft Arka koltuk tft Mücevherli Nilüfer tft Sibernetik Geliştirmeler tft Atılgan Yüreği tft Karşı Konulmaz Cazibe tft Hextech Arması tft Luden’in Feryadı tft set 6.5 yama tft set 6.5 pbe tft set 6.5 yeni eklentiler tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri ne zaman tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri eklentileri tft set 6.5 Neon Geceleri hextech eklentileri tft set 6.5 set ortası güncellemesi tft set 6.5 set ortası güncellemesi ne zaman tft set 6.5 Hextech Eklentileri listesi

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