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TFT Set 7 Compositions: Best Meta Structures

TFT Set 7 Compositions: Best Meta Structures
The meta has changed a bit overall in TFT Set 7 patch 12.12b. We have compiled the best compositions for you.

Set 12.12b came quickly after 12.12, and since this is a 3-week patch, the dev team decided to nerf Legend after complaints from many players. The meta is still in flux in Dragon Lands, but we're here with the best TFT Set 7 comps you should try in patch 12.12b to continue your ranked challenge.

It's always best to flexibly play around your Items and Additions , but these builds are the most consistent in getting into the Top 4 and winning so you can climb the ladder as fast as you can.

Best TFT Set 7 Comps In Patch 12.12b

In TFT Set 7 patch 12.12b, the meta has changed a bit overall and while some comps like Xayah are still going strong, we're seeing more innovations with the likes of Sy'fen and Shi Oh Yu now becoming more mainstream.

Jade - Shi Oh Yu


The Jade Dragon is insanely strong andprobably the most reliable carrier in patch 12.12b . With built-in CC immunity and true damage , Shi Oh Yu is the patch's biggest frontline carry threat. It becomes unkillable as well as lethal when you hit a few mixed utility items like Titan's Perseverance and Bloodthirst.

Jade further strengthens Shi Oh Yu with her bonus attack speed and healing. Complete the composition with a secondary carry (Anivia is best suited as played in most Jade comps) and a tank Neeko front. Now you are ready to crush your opponents.

In summary; This is another powerful variation of Ao Shin that uses the Jade package for the utility. A comp filled with 5 cost units may be more powerful, but this is an easier variation to play. You will need to reach level 9 for this composition to work properly.

If you have a big winning streak in the game, good Attachments, or an early Ao Shin while rolling, this is a good comp to trade and play.

Guildman Xayah (or Furywing)


Yes, despite all the nerfs, Xayah is still TFT's leading (non-Dragon) 4-cost carrier. They don't even need to really rely on the Furywing trait anymore, as players get more success by leaping the Guildman instead of team-wide bonuses.

This composition from TFT Set 7 is based on hitting an early Xayah with the right elements. (Guinsoo's Fury and Mercury are essential.) If you hit more Guild units like Twitch and Sejuani first, complete the comp with units like Talon, Qiyana, and Ornn.

If you hit more Furywings like Shen early, target 6 Furywings with Hecarim and Shyvana. Ashe and Jade are required to gain more attack speed bonuses. (Neeko plus one lets you create synergies effectively.)

Guildman is definitely more reliable to play than the Furywing variant, as the latter needs Shyvana and other high-cost units to shine. Be careful chasing the Guildman though: this patch is very competitive, so it's best to get 2 stars and move on.

In summary; Go for this composition if you have lots of good AD items (Bows and Swords) and are off to a good start with Assassin, Furywing or Rapid Fire units.

Whispering Sorcerer Sy'fen


When it comes to Emblems in TFT Set 7 , getting a Whisper is by far your best bet for a guaranteed first. Composition is usually very powerful, thanks to the attribute's value in shrinking enemies and greatly boosting your carriers, but only gets stronger with an Emblem in the right unit.

But Whisper, even without the Emblem, is insanely powerful thanks to a nice buff received in patch 12.12. Sy'fen is now a premium carrier and you can play with Sylas very flexibly as a great bridging unit for both Brawler and Mage. Sylas takes defensive items so he can survive on the front lines and stack the Whispers debuff.

The rest of the composition is all about completing synergies. After hitting 3 Mages, you can hit 4 Brawlers or even play on Trainer and Nomsy (Lulu-Sona-Bard is a great jump trio for late-game feature creation with Heimerdinger for Nomsy). Like other comps, play on Add-ons.

In summary; This composition mainly uses Whispers with Sy'fen as the main transport. The Neeko is a great frontline unit to have, and since we're using Pyke as one of the best Whisper units in the late game, we also have the Talon to provide the Assassin.

Mirage Daeja


Mirage is TFT Set 7 's new Mutant and is actually quite powerful. While it's a very AD-focused vertical withall of its carriers (Yasuo and Yone use AD elements while Daeja is an attack speed carrier), options abound when it comes to playing the composition .

Each Mirage composition revolves around a backbone of Daeja, Yasuo, and Yone as potential carriers. Daeja is probably the best and most reliable of the three after its rework in LoL 12.12, and although it was quickly fixed, it's still very playable.

If the Mirage feature is bad, you can play 4 Mirages (Daeja plus Nunu) for all bonus stats and play flexible Guildmen around Daeja. A more critical build is best here for a single shot with a burst. If the Mirage feature is good (like Spellblade or Duelist), hit 6 or even 8 Mirages with Attachments. Be sure to squeeze in some healing there as well.

These team comps of TFT Set 7 are valid for patch 12.12b. It will be updated in the future, so we recommend visiting it between patch releases.

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