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TFT Set 8 Compositions | Top Meta Structures

TFT Set 8 Compositions | Top Meta Structures
We've rounded up the best meta comps for TFT Set 8: Monster Invasion.

We have compiled for you the strongest and most reliable TFT Set 8 compositions and structures played by the best players. You have new champions and features, mechanics like Hero Attachments, and more to learn so you can get started with ranked. 

If you're looking for an easy start, we're here with a meta guide to some of the best comps in TFT Set 8 ⁠ as of patch 12.23b .

It's always best to flexibly play around your Items and Additions , but these builds are the most consistent in getting the top 4 and winning so you can climb the ladder as fast as you can.


►  TFT Set 8 Monster Invasion: Quests | Awards


TFT Set 8: Beast Invasion! Best Compositions


Depending on what your early game item status looks like, you play an early AD or AP line with 1/2/3 cost carry holding items for your future Talented units. Since you already have Wukong, you'll be able to switch to Sett really easily. Frontline is probably geared towards Defenders, but Fighters/Threats/Mascots are also playable.

Optimally you would go to level 8 at 4-2 or 4-5 and throw for your 4 cost units, but since this composition is often really controversial, you will have to throw at 7 for a Sett, most likely tier 4-1. When you reach equilibrium, you level up to find a Mordekaiser. If you have a Talent Emblem you can skip Morde and find 4 Talent much faster.


Fast 8 is usually the way to go as you need lots of 4 cost units, but sometimes you can turn to 7 if you're too desperate. If you can get a Rebel Spat, try to land 6 Rebels and equip the Emblem (in order of priority and based on your items): Fiddlesticks/Miss Fortune/Urgot/Samira/Aurelion Sol/Soraka. 6 Rebels are far superior to 6 Bull Forces, but you need a Spat for that, so you can't always play it.


Şu an itibariyle Düellocu metası 6 Düellocu + Sejuani ve bir Hacker birimidir. Bunu göz önünde bulundurarak, erken oyun oldukça basittir. Vurduğunuz/yükselttiğiniz birimlere bağlı olarak 2 Düellocu + en güçlü birim veya 2. Aşamada yalnızca 4 Düellocu oynayın. 6. seviyede, biraz dengelenmesi için 6 Düellocu ve 2* birim için yuvarlayın. Gerekirse, 2* Vayne ve Nilah ve belki bir Zed için 4-1'de tekrar yuvarlayın.

If you have full-damage items (like Giant Slayer + Eternal Sword + Death Sword), I actually prefer Vayne to carry these items over Zed because there is a good chance that Zed will CC and die, while Vayne has a lot more security because she is ranged. If you still have Edge of Night + damage items, at 2* Zed has a better item than Vayne because she has a lot more security with Edge of Night. The most important item in this composition is the Iron Solari's Pin, as Duelists deal a lot of damage, especially in the early game, and keeping them alive helps you crush opponents early in the game.


Miss Fortune (MF) is one of the most flexible carrying units in this set. There are many ways to get to him, but a standard and simple way to get to him would be to play 3/5 Anima Squad early with Jinx, who carries AP items, and then replace her with MF. Another way is to carry Vayne and Kai'Sa duo while Vayne carries AD + Attack Speed ​​items and Kai'Sa AP items.

When you find MF 2*, replace Kai'Sa with him. It is extremely flexible and you can build many units around it, but make sure your frontline is strong enough. It's very popular to have multiple transports in this set, so you'll want to put your AD/Attack Speed ​​items on a secondary transport like Vayne, Belveth, Zed, Aphelios, or Samira.


As with other AP comps, play Lulu, Lux, or Ezreal as AP item holders, as well as powerful AP unlockers like Dynamic or Sentinel Defenders, until you find Kai'Sa. If you have something like a Dagger or Fury, you can use Ashe to carry these items until you find Kai'Sa. In this meta, Threats are so good frontline and useful, so you prefer to play them as the Scout. If you get a Sentinel buff, you can play 4 Sentinels instead of 3. This composition focuses heavily on the relocation of Kai'Sa, followed by Vayne. Make sure you get good tank items/frontlines.

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