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TFT Set 8 Hero Addons and New Features

TFT Set 8 Hero Addons and New Features
Tactical Wars (TFT) Set 8: Beast Invasion returns with hero add-ons and new features.

Tactical Wars (TFT) Set 8: Beast Invasion returns withthe most beloved features Mecha and Star Guardian. However, they return with big differences compared to the Galaxies set. Before moving on to the features, let's briefly talk about the new set mechanics and add-ons .

Add-ons will now be a permanent part of TFT as new sets chase each other and new mechanics come and go. Add-ons that came to the game with the Devices and Inventions set were not intended to be permanent from the Realm of Dragons, but after extensive surveys and testing, the developers are listening to the wishes of the players and the add-ons are now being made permanent. Of course, addons will be tweaked to fit new features , units , and themesinfuture sets and mid-set updates .

Replacing some of the plugins available for TFT Set 8 ; are used as unique add-ons for heroes or villains to fit the mechanics and theme of the new set.


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What are TFT Set 8 Hero Addons?


In TFT Set 8 , a new type of add-on , "Hero Addons" is coming to the game. These addons only strengthena certain unit , not all units. Thanks to these, the champion you choose can turn into a superhero or a super villain if you want.

Here are a few examples that are under development:

One of Alistar's hero attachments makes Smash the single-target knockup effect area-of-effect and gives her health a lot more. His other addon, Muscle Strength, increases his ability's damage based on maximum health.

We've also designed hero plugins for malicious threat units. We also call these addons hero addons because even villains deserve a chance to be heroes.

For example, the Plus Size addon increases Zac's health by 2000. Zac's immunity to crowd control also grants you a Zac. Because Zac's ability and passive deal more damage than max health, this addon makes him a super threat.

As it turns out, the hero attachments are quite powerful, they add power to the power of the unit you choose. That's why a few mechanics have been added to keep the units involved under control. Hero addons can replace one of the 3 addon rounds in the game, but they only spawn once per game. Moreover, it is offered to all players at the same time. So you can choose from different options.

The TFT dev team is designing two hero addons for each unit. With these various options to empower heroes and threats, you will be able to create super teams to save or destroy Spatulakent.

When Will TFT New Set 8 Be Released?

TFT Set 8: Beast Invasion will be introduced on December 6 with patch 12.23. With the new set, Spatulakent is cheering up; game mode, event, new year celebrations and many more surprises are waiting for you. Stay tuned for details.

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