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TFT Set 8 Monster Invasion: Quests | Awards

TFT Set 8 Monster Invasion: Quests | Awards
TFT Monster Invasion is here and that means a new card will be introduced into the game. Added all new quests and rewards for TFT Set 8.

TFT Monster Invasion is here and thatmeans a new card will be introduced into the game. Addedall new quests and rewards for TFT Set 8 . There's a new list of champions and attributes built into the superhero and villain theme, as well as mechanics like Hero Attachments and Item Anvils to add new different playstyle options

TFT Monster Invasion will feature the same card style, allowing players to earn rewards by taking on challenging missions and playing the auto-fighter during the three months preceding the Mid-Set Update .

How Much is the TFT Monster Invasion Special Card?

As with other battle tickets, TFT Monster Invasion is free and has a special pass. Free card as described. You pay nothing for it and still have access to all missions. The only thing you miss are the extra rewards that can only be obtained with the special card . If you want to buy it, it will cost 1295 RP.

If you are not sure how much time to devote to TFT Set 8, you can open the card later. All the rewards will be given to you retroactively so you don't miss a thing.


►  TFT Set 8 Hero Addons and New Features


Completing TFT Monster Strike card missions depends on new champions, traits and mechanics, so you should be able to overcome them by playing flexibly across the set.

Below are all the missions you can complete in TFT Set 8 for a sweet sweet experience.

WEEKS 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, AND 13

From Right to LeftPlay 2 games.400
Ultimate HeroComplete a greeting first.
Win 3 games (top four).
Super Command CenterAdvance at least 9 units.200
InvincibleGet a 5-round winning streak.200

WEEKS 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 AND 14

From Right to LeftPlay 2 games.400
Ultimate HeroComplete a greeting first.
Win 3 games (top four).
Super Command CenterAdvance at least 9 units.200
All togetherEnable at least 5 features at once.200

TFT Canavar İstilası görevlerini boşu boşuna geçmiyorsunuz, sunulan pek çok ödül var. Süper Ekip Üyesi ve Tehdit Seviyesi: Ham tahtasından başlayarak oyuncular ayrıca Küçük Efsane Yumurtalar, Yıldız Kristalleri, Çatapat, Arenalar ve daha fazlasını kazanabilir.

Ayrıca kartın sonunda Anima Timi görünümünde Miss Fortune'un yer aldığı kovalamaca ifadeleri de var. Tüm TFT Monsters Attack geçiş ödüllerini aşağıdan kontrol edebilirsiniz.

İlk Yıldız'ın Kadehi Paketi • TFT Canavar İstilası! Özel Kartı Chibi Lux
 • 31 Lux'ın Işıltılı Kadehi
13.245 RP/TJ
Everything Goes On Paketi • TFT Canavar İstilası! Özel Kartı
 • 27 Her Amaçlı Çanta
11.825 RP/TJ
Baron Sürüsü • Temel Baron, tüm Baron çeşitleri ve Ben De Çarpacağım çatapatı10.000 RP/TJ

► New TFT Set 8 Card is the cheapest in Foxngame. Click here to buy RP with 18% discount .


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