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TFT - Tactical Wars Coming to Mobile!

TFT - Tactical Wars Coming to Mobile!
Cross-platform so you can match and battle with friends on PC, Mac and mobile.
Tactical Wars is coming to mobile! Choose your favorite champions that I think are the best and keep fighting to survive! As you know, there are various class compositions for you to create your team, let's remind you once again for those who don't know.

When you line up demon-based champions on your team, you benefit from the power of demon composition, as well as other composition classes such as fighter, shapeshifter that will change the course of tactical battles. You will determine this completely and you will change the course of the war.

Mobile support and cross-platform support are also implemented for TFT-Tactical Wars , so PC , Mac and MobileYou can match with your friends in the world as you wish, play games and make your opponents sweat.

Pre-Register now and join the game!

Also click to buy discounted Riot Points!

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