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The 7 Easiest Top Lane Heroes in LoL to Play

The 7 Easiest Top Lane Heroes in LoL to Play
We have compiled the easiest top lane heroes to play in League of Legends for you.

We have compiled the easiest top laner heroes to play in League of Legends for you. There are various top laners opposing each other. Some differ in strength according to the commodities, while others differ in matchups. For top laners , there are three champion archetypes that are identified as the meta changes: hypercarriers, support-style champions, and split pushers.

Split thrusters have a weak presence in the lane and the ability to trade weaker damage until they get a few items. After picking up some items and being able to duel their opponents, they roam the corridor taking the towers until the opposing team sends power to stop them.

Support -style top lanes like Sion, Ornn, and Shen are the strongest tanks in the game. They can trade pretty good damage with their lane opponents, but their real strength comes from surviving in their lane until they've built up enough tank material to join their team in all-out teamfights. However, there are a few intriguing support style top laners that are very different from the rest.

Finally, there are the top lane hypercarriers . These champions deal insanely high damage in the blink of an eye and can often hit multiple targets with AoE damage at once.


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LoL's Easiest Top Lane Heroes to Play

7. Teemo


Teemo is oftenconsidered the best top laner champion . With his basic attacks, reliable Q, and mushrooms, he has a dominant power that wins most, if not all, matches. Mushrooms, while not exactly a skill shot, still require skill to use properly. This is perhaps all that really needs to be mastered about Teemo, as placing shrooms in good positions can change the rules of the game.

During Lane, Teemo is as simple as can be. Harras will use his powerful basic attacks, empowered by his passive E, to land his final strike. Teemo's harra can reach so high that the enemy lane has no option to farm or even approach. After level 6, this can get worse when the opponent moves out of the lane and finds a mushroom waiting for him.

Teemo will likely be one of the first champions most people learn from in this game. Fun, agile, powerful and easy, all qualities are suitable for a beginner. However, in the hands of an experienced player, Teemo can be turned into a war machine, and there is hardly any champion in this game more hated than him, so much so that there was a time when Riot kept track of how many times Teemo died each day.

6. Jax


Jax is one of the oldest heroes in LoL , part of the original 40. From the moment you step into the Valley to the end of the game, Jax will be fun, easy and a great choice. There is never a weak moment during the game, especially as the game continues, he becomes a wild, powerful Brawler that everyone will fear.

Jax has no skill shot, and at first glance it might seem crazy how uninhibited he looks, but behind this simple look is a really strong champion. Jax has the potential to be the biggest snowball in the entire game (items that get stronger as you kill or assist an opponent) and usually only competes with opponents like Vayne or Riven. A fully-built Jax can easily beat both in 1v1.

5. Tryndamere


Tryndamere has several points in the game where his kit is similar to Jax in the way it works. He has a skill shot on his E that isn't even a real skill shot, and other than that, everything else is simple pressure and magic. However, Tryndamere's most important ability is his ultimate, which makes him immortal for 5 seconds. He gets so strong that he won't die no matter how much damage he takes during those 5 seconds.

New top lane players will often dive in even when they shouldn't, and only Tryndamere players will come out of these efforts alive and/or with a kill. This single spell gives Tryndamere insane potential for new players and old players alike, but turns them into very aggressive players if they get too used to it.

4. Vayne


Vayne is our second and last ranged champion on this list. One of the best top laners in League among the ranged ones. Her kit is nothing special, and while other ADC's kits can focus on attack speed, Vayne's kits focus on pure damage. His Q deals damage, his W deals damage, and his ultimate deals damage.

Vayne's W causes her to deal true damage based on max HP in one out of every three attacks against an enemy. You can already understand why it's strong against most top lane matchups. Vayne can take any item and rune and still manages to win against most melee matchups out there. It's insane that ranged champions have such an advantage in top lane, making lane a nightmare for most Brawlers.

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3. Malphite


Malphite 's only spell that requires any purpose is her ultimate, Unstoppable Power, one of the best spells in the game; alone makes Malphite one of the best team fighters overall. Perfect for players starting in the top lane and tank role. It wouldn't be wrong to describe him as a savage who doesn't need to build enchantment items, but instead can focus on tanking as much as possible.

Having a supertank Malphite is great for any team. Its base damage is amazing and scales well per level. All four of your spells will have significant damage when you raise them to level 5 (3 for the ultimate). Although he doesn't build AP, he can take down any lane blocking his way with more or less a single shot.

2. Garen


Garen isone of the most popular picks in top lane , and is probably the first champion anyone has played in their LoL career. Much of this popularity comes from the fact that he is the easiest hero to play in League of Legends . This is not my opinion; It is a common belief in society.

Ignite/Flash and Ignite/Ghost Garen became a threat in the top lane . It's insane how hard it is to fight it and how quickly it can destroy you with two simple spells. It has a simple to use but effective ultimate. Another feature that makes him strong is that he has a threshold and will kill anyone below a certain amount of HP. This amount can get ugly as the game progresses, and Garen can kill the opponent at half HP with a single keypress. Definitely one of   the best top lane champions right now .

1. Darius


Finally, we have Darius , our Noxian warmongering commander . He's the biggest melee lane bully on this list, and you can add him to your list of lane bullies. Darius has some of the most serious base damage from level 1 to late game. Early on, and especially after level 3, Darius puts an insane amount of pressure on every match he finds himself in, and sometimes it's impossible to resist the lane.

Darius, Illaoi, and Jayce are the three champions most people would lose when starting out in top lane. Darius is probably the strongest of the three, and this is due to low elo and a lack of understanding that new players own the game. Facing and even playing Darius gives you the opportunity to trade, farm, slow push, push, etc. will teach the basics; It's a great learning tool, and while it's a little more complex than others on the list, it's also more powerful.

These are the easiest top laners in League of Legends to play . The ranking is not based on any criteria, it is completely random.

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TAGS: lol lol rp lol rp fiyatları lol rp satın al ucuz lol rp satın al indirimli lol rp satın al lol şampiyon seçimi lol şampiyonlar lol şampiyon LoL şampiyonları LoL üst koridor LoL üst koridor oyuncuları LoL üst koridor ne demek LoL üst koridor nedir LoL üst koridor nasıl oynanır LoL üst koridor şampiyonları LoL üst koridor heroları LoL üst koridor hero LoL üst koridor adı LoL üst koridor meta LoL üst koridor karakterleri LoL üst koridor Teemo LoL üst koridor Jax LoL üst koridor Tryndamere LoL üst koridor Vayne LoL üst koridor Malphite LoL üst koridor Garen LoL üst koridor Darius LoL en kolay üst koridor heroları LoL üst koridor hiper taşıyıcıları LoL en iyi üst koridor şampiyonu LoL en eski herolar LoL en iyi üst koridor şampiyonları LoL en iyi üst koridor heroları LoL oynaması en kolay hero LoL oynaması en kolay üst koridor heroları LoL en iyi top lane şampiyonları League of Legends’in oynaması en kolay üst koridor şampiyonları League of Legends oynaması en kolay üst koridor şampiyonları LoL en iyi üst koridor LoL en iyi üst koridor hero LoL en iyi üst koridor şampiyon LoL en iyi üst koridorlar LoL en iyi top heroları LoL en iyi top şampiyonları LoL en iyi top karakterleri LoL en iyi top lane LoL en iyi top lane heroları LoL en iyi top lane şampiyonlar LoL en iyi top lane oyuncuları LoL en iyi top lane karakterleri LoL top lane LoL top lane heroları LoL top lane şampiyonları LoL top lane karakterleri LoL top lane şampiyonlar LoL top lane nasıl oynanır LoL top lane oyuncuları LoL top lane hero LoL top lane neresi LoL top lane Teemo LoL top lane Jax LoL top lane Tryndamere LoL top lane Vayne LoL top lane Malphite LoL top lane Garen LoL top lane Darius LoL rp fiyatları 2022

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