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The Best Game Guns of 2021

The Best Game Guns of 2021
We have compiled the best game weapons of the year for you. Happy reading.

While there are many games where guns play an important role in core activities that players can engage in even outside of combat, there are other titles where guns and guns in general are pretty much the focus.

There's a huge spectrum where video games can fall; one end is about exploration and relaxation, and the other is movement and warfare. But from one extreme to the other, weapons typically play a large role in all categories. The latter category offers many great releases each year, where weapons are much more than just means of destruction and can be seen as one of the most creative features of any game. Unconventional weapons are often the ones that stand out the most, bringing something new to the gameplay loop and the overall feel of the game.


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The Best Game Guns of 2021

La Varita - Far Cry 6


La Varita is one of Far Cry 6 's Resolver weapons. You can acquire this weapon by completing the Triada Blessings Story in all three regions of Yara. The Varita fires a single shot capable of almost everyone in Far Cry 6, even from afar, acting almost like a sniper rifle.

What makes La Varita so interesting is that it shreds enemies as it kills them, leaves smoke trails behind, and can also shoot through solid objects like walls as long as Dani Triador uses the Supremo backpack. Far Cry 6's combat can also be quite hectic at times, and the La Varita allows players to fire their shots quickly, thanks to a magazine that stores nine rounds. The main drawback of the weapon is a slow reload time.

► Click to buy Far Cry 6 with discount:  https://www.foxngame.com/far-cry-6

Skewer - Halo Infinite


Although Halo Infinite's Campaign launched just a few days ago, Microsoft and 343 Industries surprised everyone with the unexpected launch of the game's multiplayer portion on the series' 20th anniversary.

The Halo series, which is an FPS game , is generally based on the principle that the players use the weapons they find on the road and get a new one before the ammunition runs out. One of the weapons you can acquire in the game is Skewer. This power gun is very powerful against tanks and vehicles in general, but can also be knocked down with a single hit regardless of where they are hit or whether they have their shields up. Skewer has received a lot of attention in the online community for Halo Infinite, and despite its rather slow reload time, it is one of the best and most attractive weapons to use in the entire game.

► Click to buy Halo Infinite with discount:  https://www.foxngame.com/halo-infinite

Strelak Verso – Deathloop


Arkane Studios ' Deathloop offers several unique weapons that can drastically change their functionality on the fly. The Strelak Verso is a Legendary weapon that consists of a pair of pistols that can do a considerable amount of damage akimbo style, but what really makes this weapon really appealing is that it can be converted into a submachine gun with the push of a button. This makes it an incredibly powerful weapon that can fire sustained shots at a target and quickly destroy them.

The weapon can be obtained by solving puzzles as part of the weapon-related quest In This Together, which can be completed in The Complex. Players must find the batteries inside the bunker to open the door where the Streak Verso is located, and at the same time they have to charge the batteries in a different area.

► Click to buy discounted Deathloop:  https://www.foxngame.com/deathloop

Hunting Horn - Monster Hunter Rise


Players familiar with the Monster Hunter series know that one of the most fun aspects is always choosing which weapons to use against the strongest monsters. While the Hunting Horn is not the most damaging weapon throughout the game, it is one of the most bizarre and useful weapons, especially when playing with other people.

This huge horn is not much different from a hammer, but it has a musical component that allows players to hit different notes with each move. Pressing the correct notes results in a song being played, which strengthens both the Hunting Horn player and his team. There are several benefits you can gain with this weapon in Monster Hunter Rise, such as attack bounties, defense bonuses, elemental resistances, and much more. Also, each Hunting Horn in the game can play different songs, offering incredible customization for players.  

► Buy Monster Hunter Rise with discount:  https://www.foxngame.com/monster-hunter-rise

Life Staff - New World


New World has been a tremendous success, reaching almost a million concurrent players on Steam, making it one of the most promising MMOs to date. The weapons he uses are what defines his character in New World, and most players prefer the Life Staff.

New World isn't the first game to feature a healing weapon that can do little damage compared to other options, but games like Elder Scrolls Online do the same. However, the Life Staff is particularly interesting because it's one of the only two weapons in the game that can be scaled with Focus. Prior to the introduction of the Void Gauntlet in the New World November update, Life Staff was largely used by solo players as a way to heal themselves in their adventures, but what makes it so special is that players can build their character entirely on it.

There are many Gemstones in the New World to place in weapons. Thanks to these Gems, you can increase Focus damage and use the weapon not only for healing, but also for dealing damage.

► Click to buy New World with a discount:  https://www.foxngame.com/new-world

Element Guns - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy surprised the gaming world with its incredible gameplay and characters. At The Game Award 2021, it won the Best Storytelling of the year in the categories of  Best Storytelling, Best Orchestra/Music, and Best Innovative Play . While the main characters like Star-Lord, Drax, Gamora really shine in the gameplay and story of the game, Star-Lord's weapons often steal the show.

Element Guns is especially great because it's a weapon that evolves throughout the game; It provides Star-Lord with new abilities and ways to defeat his enemies or save his friends. Element Guns gives Star-Lord a new elemental power in extremely distressing situations where everything is lost or someone he cares about is in danger, after which the new element is unlocked permanently for the remainder of the game. It also adds greatly to its arsenal. Element Guns has four elements namely Ice, Electricity, Wind and Fire. Unlocking all four provides a great gameplay loop where players can freely switch between them to perform different actions.

Buy Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy at discount:  https://www.foxngame.com/marvels-guardians-of-the-galaxy

Here are the best guns in the game world for 2021. Share with us which is your favorite weapon.

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