The Best Side Characters in God Of War

The Best Side Characters in God Of War
God of War 2018 has a more nuanced story than its predecessors, and a key component of that are the compelling side characters that Kratos meets.

Kratos has a knack for killing side characters in God of War , but his latest entry series for 2018 introduced a solid new cast. Ghost of Sparta has left her old life in Greece to start over in the mortal realm of Norse mythology, Midgard. On January 14th, the God of War PC release brought this incredible game to a whole new audience, and with the upcoming sequel Ragnarök , we'll see the return of many of its iconic side characters.

In GoW Ragnarök, which completes the Scandinavian story of the series, each character is expected to complete their own story. Many will likely die at the hands of Kratos and Atreus, but there may be a happier ending for some compared to Zeus and his friends as the aging god of war tries to turn a new leaf. With the start of Rangarök, an event prophesied to bring the death of the Norse gods, this may not actually be a possibility.


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Best God of War Side Characters

God of War's best sidekicks are characters that are also expected to reappear in Ragnarök. Whether by design or written coincidence, Kratos was able to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. Some of the side characters played important roles, while others remained outside the narrative. Regardless of their contributions, each left a remarkable mark on the deeply personal and family story told in 2018's God of War.



Freya 's character story in God of War is very impressive due to her proximity to Kratos. Throughout the entire play, Kratos grapples with his son's deity and presumably sees a potential future for himself as he examines Freya's relationship with her own son, Baldur. Kratos desperately wants to protect Atreus from the violent snares of being a god, and Freya exemplifies the most violent outcome of such worries. With the prophecy that Baldur would die an unnecessary death, Freya cast a spell to save him from all harm and unintentionally deprived him of all physical senses.

The estranged nature of Freya and Baldur's relationship is a possibility Kratos fears for himself and Atreus. Freya is already going through significant character development in the 2018 game, transitioning from someone who sympathizes with what Kratos is trying to accomplish to raise Atreus, to the bird woman in Ragnarök, the God of War who attacked Kratos and seeks revenge for the death of his son. Freya's intense involvement in God of War deepens her study of family and helps the game's personal stories. Her story is already extremely tragic and will likely be an important emotional cornerstone in Ragnarök.


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Mimir isby far the most recent side character in God of War and can be considered almost a third hero alongside Kratos and Atreus. Much of Mimir's personal story takes place before the events of the game, where he is grafted onto a tree for serving Odin the Allfather and sympathizing with the Giants during their battle with the Aesir. Considered a valuable asset for Kratos and Atreus' journey to the highest peak in the Nine Realms, he aids the father/son duo with his extensive knowledge of mythological history.

Mimir's main feature in side character evaluation comes from his role in informing the player. Not only does he teach Kratos (and, to a lesser extent, Atreus) the history and politics of the Nine Realms, he does the same for the player. Mimir is a key component in how God of War weaves its narrative, offering insight into the nuances behind other characters' motivations and making the game world more believable. In many ways, the Scandinavian epic has wider scope than its Greek counterpart, where Kratos is just a moving piece in the Nine Realms, a kind of unexplained variable. Mimir's stories tell the player about all the Norse gods that Kratos has encountered and will encounter in God of War, and provide clues as to what to expect from each character.


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Although Jörmungandr is a side character, he also doubles up as one of God of War's most striking set pieces. The Colossal World Serpent is the last Giant left in Midgard (after the death of Kratos' second wife) and is so large that it encompasses the entire realm. According to Mimir, who is the only person able to communicate with the Giant, Jörmungandr suddenly appeared in the Lake of Nine after a legendary conflict with Thor. Jörmungandr's role in God of War presents a time loop paradox, as the confrontation with Thor is prophesied to take place during Ragnarök, where Thor hits the World Serpent so hard that he shatters the World Tree Yggdrasil and sends the Serpent back in time.  

This time, the paradox introduces one of the more compelling and foreshadowing mysteries unsolved in God of War. While Jörmungandr is instrumental in God of War's overarching story and plot, there's a feeling he'll play an even more important role in Ragnarök. His presence is reminiscent of some of the more breathtaking pieces from the original God of War games, like Kratos climbing Gaia as he climbs Mount Olympus. Jörmungandr's physical presence is clearly authoritarian, adding a kind of ancient and unknown power to Midgard, adding to the scale of the Norse epic as Mimir explains.


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Thor , who mainly played a minor role in the 2018 game and again in the God of War Ragnarök trailer, remains one of the most memorable side characters in the game. Not even her face is visible - just her hand, hips and charm, as in the picture above. The entire encounter is played out as Atreus' dream, but it is clearly implied to be a prophetic vision. Like Anthony Hopkins winning the Academy Award for Best Actor in less than half an hour in The Silence of the Lambs, Thor's appearance in God of War is so good it doesn't even need a single line of dialogue. The character of Thor rose to prominence thanks to Chris Hemsworth's portrayal in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and expectations for his role in Ragnarök are palpable.

The fact that Thor is never seen in God of War doesn't mean his influence isn't felt throughout the game. Thor is said to be a bloodthirsty beast who is the slayer of all Giants in Midgard. God of War itself tells an elaborate story, but it also sets up many narratives for Ragnarök, and Thor's role is a key ingredient in that. The player may not actually interact with Thor, but his presence is strong enough to warrant a place among God of War's best side characters .

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