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Agent Compositions for Valorant Breeze Map

Agent Compositions for Valorant Breeze Map
It emphasizes the importance of choosing the right agent to achieve the most victories in the Valorant Breeze map. We are here to guide you on this matter.

While Some Valorant pros greatly support Breeze map , others have some criticism due to its size. Famous streamer Shroud saw the potential of this map and recommended that Breeze wait for it to become available to play in VCT. 

Breeze has become a fallback map for many professional teams, and some teams have started choosing Breeze to surprise their opponents. Due to its hugesizeit offers many options for strategic and well-thought-out games; Carefully planned strategies will be very effective on this map.

All these reasons emphasize the importance of choosing the rightagentto get the most victories in Breeze. We are here to guide you on this matter.


Breeze Map Layout and Characters

Unlike many other maps in Valorant, Breeze does not have any noticeable cheats. There are no teleporters, revolving doors or giant ziplines on the map. What it does have is its width and big map design. So Breeze favors multiple target duels between two teams, and having two Duelists will increase your chances of winning the match if your team is confident enough in your objective.

You'll need a good Vanguard to support the Duelists. You should also have at least one Scout agent on your team to monitor the flanks on the Attackers' side and lock down areas on the Defenders' side. And to control this huge map, don't forget a Controller who can cover many angles with his smokes or walls.

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Agent Combinations for Breeze

Breeze has been in the competitive map rotation for a long time. Thousands of matches have been played on the map, giving us enough information to know the current meta and which Valorant agent is the best on the map.




Popular Duelist Reyna is a pretty good option on almost every map. His flashes, picks in long-range combat, and ability to use E/Remove to get back safely make him a good choice.



Jett is indispensable for Operator users. Chamber and Reyna can also fill his shoes in some way, but they can never effectively replace Jett. Even with the nerfs he keeps getting, Breeze can still be a good Duelist for you or your team for many reasons.



Breeze is a huge map with open areas. Neon's abilities like C/Speed ​​Stripe make him the best potential Duelist on the map. She can use e / High Speed ​​to move around the map and gather information about the location of enemies. She can also easily impersonate her teammates by establishing a presence in one place and then regrouping with her teammates.

Control Experts



Both defensively and offensively, Viper's skills provide many options for any team. E/Poison Screen is the most important ability needed for any offensive plan. After Spike, it takes its place in the list by providing a great advantage with X/Viper's Lair ability.



When you have Brimstone in your team, you can destroy everywhere with its smoke. His Q/Burning ability can kill anyone hiding in certain corners. Not to mention the fear it inflicts on enemies in post-X/Satellite Strike situations.

Scout Agents



Cypher is one of the powerful agents for the Breeze map. There are countless angles on every side. It is almost physically impossible to hold every angle. You can view multiple angles with the help of E/Hidden Camera; You can predict many attacks with the help of C/Booby Trap and Q/Cyber ​​Cage.



Sage's role in Breeze is quite unique. Sage can heal from longer distances, as Skye's healing requires her to get closer to her teammates. Additionally, Sage's C/Barrier Orb is essential to stop early turn attacks. Finally, Sage's ultimate, Resurrection, cannot be ignored and has more potential than it seems.



Although many people claim that Killjoy is not a very strong character for large maps like Breeze, the new arrangement has opened the door to many strategic games for him.

Leading Agents



The character Skye has a lot to offer in Breeze. In addition to being a Pioneer, she can also serve as a Duelist when necessary. E/Guide Light and Q/Hunt Pursuit are useful for any team. Their animals can track enemies or reveal their bearings from a long distance.



On the European scene, both Skye and Sova are highly favored by S-tier teams like Fnatic or Team Liquid. For composition enthusiasts, playing Sova in Breeze is a blessing. Sova has great value in the post-spike scenario; C/Owl Drone is a great alternative to Skye's Hunting ability. However, his ultimate, Hunter's Fury, is not very effective in most cases.

Best Team Compositions in Breeze

For better or worse, not every agent syncs with other characters. For example, there is almost no point in taking Sage if you have Skye on your team. You can choose the other two Sentinels we recommend instead, or vice versa. The same rule will apply to flash and smoke agents.

With that in mind, here's our recommendation for the best team compositions in Breeze:

  • Team1: Reyna, Jett, Viper, Cypher, Sova
  • Team2: Reyna, Neon, Brimstone, Cypher, Skye
  • Team3: Reyna, Viper, Killjoy, Sage, Sova
  • Team4: Jett, Brimstone, Cypher, Killjoy, Skye

In Valorant, each agent has unique and useful abilities. When used correctly, any character can get you a flawless win. But for certain maps, some agents are always preferred over others.

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