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The Most Effective Melee Weapons in PUBG Mobile

The Most Effective Melee Weapons in PUBG Mobile
There are many weapons that you can use in PUBG Mobile and in the game. Each weapon has different uses. In this article, we have compiled the most effective weapons suitable for close range use for you. Details are in the article.

PUBG Mobile has undeniably changed the mobile gaming landscape for casual and professional gamers alike, so much so that it is now considered one of the best mobile games in the world. Starting out as a simple battle royale game , PUBG Mobile offers a variety of game modes including deathmatch, domination, sniper training, and more.

Developing the best PUBG weapons is undoubtedly the focus of PlayerUnknown's Battleground . Each of its countless weapons is tuned for a combination of semi-realism and terrifying lethality. While any weapon is sufficient to kill in the game, you need to learn the intricacies of weapons to get that chicken dinner. PUBG MobileIn , many players prefer close range skirmishes as soon as they jump onto the map, rather than long range skirmishes. Especially when pressing chests or looting. At this point, some weapons may show superiority over other weapons in the game. If you like close-range combat when you land on the map, but do not know how to dominate, you are at the right place. If you do not have this information, no need to worry, in this article we have compiled for you which weapons you can use in close-range conflicts and why. Here are the most effective PUBG Mobile weapons at close range .

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PUBG Mobile | Best Melee Weapons

♦ Groza

The Groza is a very powerful endgame weapon because with the 7.62mm ammo it uses, it has a high rate of fire, so it can quickly turn the fight in your favor. Groza's base damage is 47, which will be very useful at close range, and with its 0.080 second fire rate, it brings instant damage and certain death when used at close range.​

♦ Uzi

The Uzi is one of the most popular close range weapons in the game, and for good reason. When you come face to face with your enemies with instant damage, it does damage in a fast way. Thanks to the 9mm ammo and extra attachments it uses, a very stable and effective use can be achieved at close range.

♦ MK14

MK14 is one of the unique weapons in the game. It is in the close range category among the most effective and deadly weapons and can do quite a lot of damage. The MK14's base damage is 61 and is a no-nonsense weapon on hit at close range. The gun should be used for emergencies as the reload speed is quite slow and if you can't kill your opponents before reloading this can be a problem for you.​

♦ M249

Thanks to its high magazine capacity, the M249 is among the most effective weapons on this list. Most PUBG Mobile players do not prefer this weapon, but make sure that there is no alternative around, it will be very useful. The total magazine capacity is 100 rounds, and it's not even sincere that you can instantly neutralize many enemies with a single magazine. The ammunition type you can use for the M249 is 5.56 mm. In addition, the presence of the weapon on all maps in the game is very advantageous in terms of accessibility.

♦ M416

M416 is one of the most useful weapons in PUBG Mobile. Base damage value is 40 on hit. With its average rate of fire and with the use of add-ons, the weapon, which becomes quite accurate, is among the very deadly weapons. The M416 uses 5.56mm ammo and, like the M249, can be found on all maps in the game. Another feature that distinguishes it from the others is that it is one of the most common weapons in addition to being on all maps.

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