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The New Champion of League of Legends: VEX

The New Champion of League of Legends: VEX
As confirmed by Riot Games, Vex will be taking part in the Rise of the Guardians event. It is expected that Vex the Gloomy Mage, who will be the 157th Champion of LoL, will play an important role in the story of the Disaster.

Last year , Riot Games confirmed that all upcoming events, updates, and champion promotions in League of Legends will be based on the Disaster storyline. It has since been confirmed that Viego, Gwen, and Akshan will be the main characters of Disaster. Now Vex , aka Gloomy Mage, LoL 's 157th Champion, has been leaked.


LoL Vex Who?

It was expected that the character to be introduced after Akshan would be Norra, but Riot Games turned the corner. Now introduced instead of Norra , Vex may be Yuumi's missing owner. According to the official storyline, Yuumi's owner “teleported to a dangerous place” after using the Book of Thresholds, which coincides with Vex being in the Shadow Isles. Outside of Bandle City, there are also gateways connecting to the Shadow Isles. Since then, the character's origin story has been slightly changed. Still , Vex will be a Yordle that plays an important role in Viego's story.


♦ Vex's Magic Abilities

According to game reports , although Vex was originally designed as an artillery mage, it was later changed to a burst mage, which is thought to cause a delay in the character's exit.


►  Akshan, New Champion of League of Legends


We have a little knowledge of Vex 's abilities. According to the statement , Vex said , “He gets annoyed with champions running around him. That's enough for him to get serious and fling lifeforms running around in ridiculous happiness." Based on this explanation, it's possible that Vex has features that block dash or slow others down. Yordles in League of Legends have elemental or spiritual magic properties.

LoL Vex Release Date

As Riot Games has confirmed , Vex will be featured in the "Rise of the Guardians" event, but won't be a playable champion anytime soon. Vex is expected to be next after Akshan's debut on July 22 . It can be released in either LoL 11.16 patch (released on August 11) or LoL 11.17 patch (released on August 25).

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