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The New Home of LoL Worlds 2021 is Iceland!

The New Home of LoL Worlds 2021 is Iceland!
According to Riot Games, the League of Legends World Championship will be held in Rejkjavik, Iceland. We can say that there will be a return to Rejkjavik, where the Mid-Season Invitational event was held in May.

According to Riot Games' international esports department, the League of Legends World Championship will be held in Iceland. It was already decided last month that the tournament would be taken from China and organized somewhere in Europe. Taking this decision in line with some problems based on Covid-19, the team turned their eyes to Rejkjavik, which was previously organized by MSI (Mid-Season Invitational). After receiving largely positive feedback from the event held in May, Worlds will now be held there as well. Just like MSI, LoL Worlds 2021 will take place under strict health measures and without a live audience.

When Will LoL Worlds 2021 Start?

While the League of Legends Worlds 2021 play-ins will begin on October 5, the main event will begin on October 11. There is still no change in the final date , it will again take place on November 6th. October 5 will be the latest opening in the history of LoL World Championships. In the past years, events generally started in the last week of September.


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All Teams Participating in LoL Worlds 2021

LPL (China)

  • FunPlus Phoenix

  • EDG

  • RNG (Royal Never Give Up)

  • LNG

LCK (Korea)


  • Gen.G

  • T1

  • Hanwha Life

LEC (Europe)

  • MAD Lions

  • fnatic

  • rogue

LCS (North America)

  • 100 Thieves

  • Team Liquid

  • Cloud9

PCS (Pacific)

  • PSG Talon

  • Beyond Gaming

VCS (Vietnam) – Unable to attend

The top two teams representing Vietnam will not be able to participate in LoL Worlds 2021 . After the organization moved from China to Europe, the Vietnamese team had to withdraw from the competition as they had difficulty obtaining the necessary visas.


  • Unicorns of Love

LLA (Latin America)

  • Infinity Esports

TCL (Türkiye)

  • Galatasaray Esports

LJL (Japan)

  • DetonatioN FocusMe

LCO (Oceania)

  • peace

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TAGS: League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 Formatı League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 Takımlar League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 maç formatı League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 format LoL Worlds 2021’e Katılan Takımlar LoL Worlds 2021 LoL Worlds 2021 tarihi LoL Worlds 2021 ne zaman başlıyor LoL Worlds 2021 takımlar LoL Worlds 2021 katılan takımlar LoL Worlds 2021 tarih LoL Worlds 2021 programı LoL Worlds 2021 ne zaman LoL Worlds 2021 başlangıç tarihi LoL Worlds 2021 format LoL Worlds 2021 ödül LoL Worlds 2021 kore takımları LoL Worlds 2021 kore LoL Worlds 2021 avrupa LoL Worlds 2021 avrupa takımları LoL Worlds 2021 kuzey amerika LoL Worlds 2021 kuzey amerika takımları League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası nerede League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası nerede oynanacak League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası nerede yeri League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası ne zaman League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası yeri League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası ne zaman oynanacak League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 takımları League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası nerede League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası nerede oynanacak League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası nerede yeri League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası ne zaman League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası yeri League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası ne zaman oynanacak League of Legends Dünya Şampiyonası 2021 takımları LoL Worlds 2021 Ne Zaman Başlayacak? LoL Worlds 2021’e Katılan Bütün Takımlar

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