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Top 5 Agents to Kill Your Opponents in Valorant

Top 5 Agents to Kill Your Opponents in Valorant
Valorant agents all have their own characteristics, but only a few can be said to be strong in the killing category. Most agents that increase their kill count are Duelists, but there are other agents as well.
Unlike many FPS games, in Valorant , it is vital to use talents in the right place, as well as tactical and weapon skills. While some agents are adept at killing, this is a process you can manage. 

5 Valorant Agents Good at Killing

  • omen


Omen is an aggressive Control Specialist who aims to take full control of Valorant 's maps. Its fog, flash and movement abilities make it easy to kill opponents. The paranoia ability turns the situation to your advantage by restricting the field of view of opponents. He can enter places no other Valorant  agent could have imagined. This allows you to surprise and kill your enemies in unexpected places.

  • Breach


Breach is similar to Omen. The right player can dominate the leaderboard with him. Flashes are extremely powerful. His Fault Line ability and ultimate ability can confuse enemies and leave them vulnerable to an attack. Aftershock can clear areas, but deals massive damage to anyone standing in front of it.


  • Phoenix


Phoenix is ​​one of the best Valorant agents out there. As a Duelist, he can start and end fights. His abilities are much more beneficial to the team; It can block entrances, build a wall that obscures vision, and fire a flash to blind opponents. Its iridescent feature gives it an extra life and allows it to gather excellent intelligence. Phoenix is ​​a war machine!

  • Raze


Raze's kit is aimed at absolutely destroying the opposing team in Valorant . All of her abilities are based on damage and we can say that she is a detonator expert thanks to her Bombot, Explosive Bag, Color Bomb and Breathtaking abilities. Raze is a Duelist that should only be used by confident and aggressive players. Used correctly, it can be more dangerous than anyone else.

  • Reyna


If a player  chooses Reyna in Valorant , she better get the most kills in the game. Reyna is an absolutely selfish agent. His flashes can help his team during a battle, but everything else is just for his benefit. It's not unusual for a solid Reyna player to gain multiple kills in a round in a matter of minutes. He can shoot, run, shoot, heal, shoot and run away again without thinking. Definitely Reyna is a must-buy agent for players who want to have the best kills.

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