Top Agents on Ascent Map

Valorant is a team game and you have to play in harmony with your team. By compiling the best agents for the Ascent map, we aimed to explain the importance of the compatibility of agent selections with your team. Details are in the article.
In Valorant , each map has its own characteristics and agent selections are of great importance in this regard. As the field of view of each map changes, the strategy applied against the enemies differs in each map. According to the map you play, the harmony of your teammates and the agents you choose has a great impact on your game. To give an example from the Ascent map, this map is an advantageous map for the defending team.and you can get more advantages by making your agent choices accordingly. The compatibility of the agents you have chosen with your teammates and the agents selected according to the map allow you to start one step ahead of your opponents. If you are not superior to the opposing team in terms of talent and if you make these choices correctly, you will ensure the balance of the game and this will greatly benefit you in winning the game.─────────────────────────────────────────
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While giving an example from the ready map of Ascent , let's share with you the team agents that we think are the best to choose for this map . While doing this, we mostly started from the experience we gained in the game and the selection statistics in professional level matches. Thanks to these choices, you can get much better results after you get your teammates in harmony on the Ascent map. You can view these agents below;Best Team Agents to Select for Ascent
Defending a certain area is where Killjoy is best, and with Ascent , which has a defensive advantage, this choice would make a lot of sense. While there is a larger area in the middle of the map, the spike zones are narrow, giving Killjoy a unique advantage. Before the opponents attack the spike areas, you can easily defend this area by using Killjoy 's abilities. You can view the abilities Killjoy can use below; - Q - Alarm Bot : Equip a stealth Alarm Bot. Shoot to send a robot chasing enemies within range. When the robot reaches its target, it explodes, making the target vulnerable. Press and hold the equip button to recall the bot you sent.
- E - Turret : Equip a turret. Fire to deploy a turret that fires at enemies in a 180 degree cone. Press and hold the equip button to recall the bot you sent.
- C - Nanoswarm : Equip the Nanoswarm bomb. Shoot to throw the bomb. As soon as the nanoswarm hits something, it hides. Activate Nanoswarm to unleash a swarm of damaging nanobots.
- X- Isolation : Equip the isolating device. Shoot to place the device. After a long preparation time, all enemies within the device's area of effect are retained. This device can be destroyed by enemies.
The attacking team usually prefers to use their abilities beforehand when gaining entry to an area. This is predictable and can put the attacking side at a disadvantage for using their abilities unnecessarily or too early. Choosing Reyna as the defender makes it easier to defend certain spike zones on the Ascent map . Thanks to its flash abilities, you can use this ability as soon as you realize that the opponent players are coming to the field. In this way, you can significantly delay or completely stop the attack of your opponents. You can view the abilities Reyna can use below; - Q - Drain : Enemies Reyna kills leave behind Spirit Orbs for 3 seconds. Immediately consume a nearby soul orb and quickly regenerate health for a short time. Health regens exceeding 100 with this ability decrease over time. If the Empress is active, the ability is automatically cast without spending the orb.
- E - Dismiss : Immediately consume a nearby soul orb to become transparent for a short time. If the Empress is active, you will also become invisible.
- C - Evil Eye : Equip an indestructible, spirit orb. Activate to use eye forward at close range. The eye blocks all enemies looking at it from seeing far.
- X - Empress : You immediately become ecstatic. Shooting, equipping, and reload speed are greatly increased. Killing an enemy refreshes the duration.
Like the other agents we mentioned in our article, Raze is very effective both offensively and defensively thanks to its skill kit. Thanks to the explosive-themed features in his skill kit, he can attack the area while defending a region or by jumping with the explosive, which has been very popular lately. When you enter an area with a fast explosive jump from the front, the players defending the area are completely focused on you, allowing your teammates to enter the area quickly and easily kill the surprised enemies. Of course , since our topic is the Ascent map , you can use Raze 's explosive abilities in the same way to defend the area at this point. RazeYou can view the capabilities that can be used by 's below; - Q - Explosive Bag : Immediately throw an Explosive Bag that sticks to the floor. Use it again to blast the bag out of your hand. Damages and displaces anything it hits. Raze takes no direct damage from this ability, but can take fall damage if thrown too high.
- E - Color Impact Grenade : Equip a cluster of impact grenades. Shoot to throw. The damaging bomb creates bomblets, each dealing damage to anyone within range.
- C - Bombot : Equip a Bombot. Shoot to send; the boat runs in a straight line on the ground and bounces off the walls. Bombot locks onto and chases all enemies that enter the cone-shaped area in front of him. If it can catch it, it explodes dealing heavy damage.
- X - Breathtaking : Equip a rocket launcher. Fire to launch a rocket that deals massive area damage to anything it comes in contact with.
One of the most preferred agents in the game is Omen . Many players use Omen as their agent choice, and it is among the best control expert agents. He can easily use his abilities in both defense and attack like many other agents. For the Ascent map , great results come out when Omen combines his abilities with other teammates and uses them for defense. In this way, your winning rates will increase significantly. You can view the abilities that Omen can use below; - Q - Paranoia : Immediately fire a dashing shadow. For a short time, it limits the range of vision of anyone it touches. This shot can go straight through walls.
- E - Dark Shroud : Equip a shadow orb and display the range indicator. Shoot to launch the shadow orb at the marked location. Creates a long-lasting shadow ball that restricts vision. While aiming, hold alternate shot to move the pointer farther, hold the skill key to move the pointer closer.
- C - Stealth Step : Equip a shadow walk ability and display the range indicator. After a short delay, shoot to teleport to the marked location.
- X - Out of the Shadows: Equip a tactical map. Shoot to start teleporting to the selected location. Omen takes the form of Shadow while teleporting, and enemies can cancel the teleport by destroying him.
Sova 's broad impact on the map makes it an excellent choice on a defensive and large map like Ascent . Once mastered, Sova 's kit is very effective in the hands of experienced players. Thanks to their abilities, you can get information about enemy activities in the area while attacking or defending an area without entering that area. Thanks to his ultimate ability, he can do a very effective spike defense or spike zone defense without recognizing distance and obstacles, and his enemies can't even see him. It has a high synergy with other agents, so it is more effective in team play than individual. You can view the abilities Sova can use below; - Q - Shock Arrow : Equip a bow with a shock arrow. Shoot to send the explosive forward. The arrow detonates on impact, dealing damage to nearby players. Hold to shoot to extend the shooting range. Use an alternate shot to bounce the arrow up to twice.
- E - Recon Arrow : Equip a bow with a scout arrow. Fire to send the scout arrow forward. The arrow activates on impact, revealing the position of enemies near line of sight. Hold to shoot to extend the shooting range. Use an alternate shot to bounce the arrow up to twice.
- C - Owl Drone : Equip an owl drone. Shoot to send the owl drone and control its movements. While you're in control of the drone, shoot and fire a marking pin. This pin reveals the position of any player it hits.
- X - Hunter's Fury : Equip a bow that fires three wall-piercing energy blasts. In front of Sova, fire to generate energy blasts in a line and even damage captured enemies and reveal their position. This ability can be reused two more times while the ability counter is active.
The specified agents can only give the best performance when combined. Of course, each agent is very effective with its own abilities, but remember that you can achieve better results when played as a team. Also, if you form a team from your circle of friends or friends you have made in the game and regularly enter matches together, your team synergy will improve over time. This will have a great impact on your victory and will make your job easier. ► Click to buy discounted Valorant VP now!