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Towards the Finals VCT Champions 2023 | Fixture

Towards the Finals VCT Champions 2023 | Fixture
International League Playoffs continue with excitement. We have prepared the VCT 2023 Challengers fixture for you on this road to Champions.

The preparation process for the upcoming tournaments has begun and the best teams from the three international leagues will participate in the Masters Tokyo. In the Challengers leagues, it is rapidly advancing towards the playoff stage. It will soon be revealed which teams will appear at the top levels in the 2023 season. This summer, events that will reach the peak of competition are waiting for you. 

 International League Playoffs Pacific 19 - 28 May
 EMEA  23 - 28 May
 Americas _ 23 - 29 May
 Masters Tokyo 11 - 25 June
 Challengers Ascension Pacific 28 June – 9 July
 EMEA 30 June – 16 July
 American continent 30 June – 9 July
 Champions China Qualification 3 - 16 July
 Last Chance Qualifiers 15 - 23 July
 Champions Los Angeles 6 - 26 August


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►  VCT Game Changers Championship 2023 | Fixture

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VCT Challengers 2023 Fixtures | International League Playoffs 

International League Playoffs continue with excitement. The Pacific League playoffs began on May 19, while the EMEA and Americas playoffs will begin on May 23. These results are significant as the top three teams from each league will qualify for the Masters Tokyo and Champions Los Angeles. The EMEA region is a special case, as Masters will send four teams directly to Tokyo, andthe top three teams in the EMEA playoffs will receive the Champions ticket .


Masters Tokyo will take place from 11 to 25 June. Three teams from each international league will take part, as well as two teams from China. The EMEA region will have an extra team because Fnatic, who won the LOCK//IN tournament, will send another team. The team that will become the Masters Tokyo Champion will be eligible to send a fifth team to their region to Champions.

Challengers Ascension will take place after the Masters from 28 June to 16 July. Hundreds of teams competing in more than twenty Challengers leagues around the world will compete to be the best. One team from each Ascension tournament will qualify for international leagues in 2023.

Champions China Qualifiers will host the competition between the region's top 12 teams. Top 3 teams on the leaderboard will qualify for Champions.

The Last Chance Qualifiers will run from July 15-23 and will be the last chance for teams from international leagues to have a chance to qualify for the Champions. A fourth team from non-regional international leagues that won the Masters and sent two teams to Champions will qualify for Champions through the Final Chance Qualifiers.

Official details about Champions have not been shared yet. You can reach up-to-date information by following the news or following our social media accounts.

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