Two New Maps Coming to PUBG

Two New Maps Coming to PUBG
The developers brought innovations to PUBG and many edits were provided. In addition to the update news, information was also given about the future of two new maps. The new maps are scheduled to be introduced in late 2021.
On the PUBG front , which is one of the first games that comes to mind when it comes to the Battle Royale game genre, developments continue to occur. The game, which was first introduced to the market as early access on December 21, 2017, managed to gather millions of audiences in a very short time and had a rapid rise. The developers emphasize that the main reason for this success is that they keep the game constantly updated and bring many innovations. There are also many fun game modes developed for the game and offered to the players. If we need to give examples of these modes and wide gameplay styles, we can give examples of TDM mode and ranked game mode . Likewise TPS and FPSThis includes the gameplay options offered to players. PUBG developers shared their plans for the updates they want to make for 2021 and which will be included in the game.


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What's New in PUBG Awaits Us

The developers recently announced that there will be innovations for PUBG in their statement . The developers plan to include two new maps for 2021. He also stated that the Miramar map, which is already in the game, will be redesigned and updated. Certain improvements have been made to the Miramar map . The image table of the changes made is given below;

Terrain UpdateSlope Update
Foliage UpdateLighting Update

The Miramar map is a desert map and the map has a size of 8x8 km. PUBG developers will provide an update to the terrain texture, lightings, graphics and general texture on the map. The same changes or more may be implemented on existing maps along with other updates at a later date. The improvements are currently available on the test servers, if you want to try the changes, you can try by entering the test servers. 

Developers Tiger and KikiIt plans to include new maps, specified by name, into the game. The map named as Tiger will be the first 8x8 km map to be included in the game in the last 3 years. In addition, a new feature that players often want but never comes to the game is thought to be included in the game with this map. This feature is the respawn feature on the map. The feature has been a demanded innovation by players for a long time, and a similar update to this feature was recently brought to Apex Legends . This feature is among the features that will come on the map, which is designated as Nihayat Tiger . Another map , Kiki , will be an 8x8 km map like Tiger . Kiki mapIt will have many new locations in the game and the developers have provided assurance that a different experience awaits players. It is not yet known when these changes and maps will be included in PUBG Mobile . The developers will provide an announcement about this in the future and we will keep you informed.

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