Valorant 1.04 Patch Notes

Valorant 1.04 Patch Notes
Four agenda adjustments were made. Viper Empowered, Brimstone and Raze got Nerf.

New patch notes have arrived!
Effective updates and changes have been made to weapons and agents.

A bug fix on the Classic created an opportunity for the developers to fix the gun's working principle. Don't forget to check out the new, easier-to-compare stats while you're in the pre-tour purchase menu!





Viper's Lair


Being able to spend such a short time outside of Viper's ult not only limited the amount of play he could do, but it also constantly gave his enemies too much information. Being able to roam more freely outside the smoke of the ultimate gives Viper more mind-playing opportunities on his enemies, and hopefully this will also allow him to put pressure on his enemies strategically. Other improvements strengthen the Viper's self-smoke advantage and make it harder for him to be hunted by enemies who locate him using the minimap view.


The fact that Viper 's rot on his foes wore off so quickly limited the advantage it offered and wasn't as dangerous as we'd hoped it would be. Adding a delay before rot is gone will create a gap where Viper and his team can take advantage of this benefit, and with the updates (mentioned above) Viper's Lair will create new ways to use his ultimate


When using both of his vision blocking abilities, both abilities had a reduced duration, making it harder for Viper to use both vehicles at the same time. Since Viper's smoke consumes a lot of resources and makes up a large part of his kit, both abilities can be used simultaneously, giving his team solid advantages when capturing territory.



Breathtaking 's ultimate cost increased from 6 to 7.

Raze's ultimate was one of the most effective in the game in almost every scenario. The developers thought it was used a little too often because it was so effective. Therefore, they planned to increase the cost of the ultimate by 1 so that players would encounter the Breathtaking less often.


Like Raze's ult, Brimstone's ult is very effective and can come in handy in many different situations. The developers, who thought that it affected the tours more often than desired, therefore increased the price a little.

Sign of Strength no longer empowers enemies and shows the area of ​​effect to enemies.

Sign of Strength was intended to be a case-by-case ability, but the fact that Brimstone could reveal his location and could accidentally buff enemies also made this ability much weaker than we wanted.

Straightness of Brimstone's Arms

Look at Brimstone's muscles!



Cyber ​​Cage can now be picked up from the ground during the purchase phase.


Classic What the developers wanted to fix here was Classic's right mouse button, but they also wanted to take the opportunity to make the weapon work a little more consistently. Minor adjustments were made to the effect of right-click shots while jumping, but they did not reduce its usefulness in close range combat. Fixed a bug that caused the right mouse button to be more inaccurate due to running. Run added a 1.5 value hit penalty to the gun as it used our general run error curve for pistols. Fixed a bug where jumping was not affecting accuracy. Changed scatter while running: 3,4 >>> 2.1 Essentially a bug fix. The scatter while jumping has changed: 1.9 >>> 2.3 The scatter while walking has changed: 1.9 >>> 1, 95 Accuracy increased by 10% while crouching and standing still. The goal is to make it consistent with increased accuracy while crouching.


The Weapon Stats text box in the pre-round shop has been replaced with graphics that make it easier to compare stats.


Observer minimap vision cones now appear in different colors based on teams.

Changed Reyna's Italian and Mexican Spanish voiceovers.

You can now hear Reyna's Italian and Mexican Spanish voices in-game!

Dragon Fire Skins

Adjusted the sound of the Dragonfire Operator equip animation.

Fixed a bug that caused the sound to increase when the Operator is constantly equipped.

Enemy footsteps have higher priority than cosmetic sounds.

This means that enemy footsteps will always mute non-gameplay overlay sound effects, such as fire cracklings and dragon roars.

Dragonfire Melee weapon inspection animation now has sound effects for levels 1 and 2.


VRAM and graphics performance have been improved by combining ground pickup and targeting for Sage's ultimate with ally highlights. Minor fixes have been made in image processing performance. Weapon skin development videos are now streamed instead of stored locally. In this way, the download size was reduced by 380 MB.


Fixed Reyna having to look at Spirit Orbs to activate and continue healing. The system will work as it did in Patch 1.02.

Fixed a bug where Brimstone's smoke was one-sided when the player's camera was above the smoke.

Fixed an issue where Breach's Aftershock ability was not dealing damage to all characters when hitting multiple characters.

Fixed the flickering effect on Sova's drone when reaching maximum flight altitude.

Fixed the Marshal not losing accuracy while walking.

Fixed some translucent effects (like Jett's dash while the player is in control) coming back one frame.

Fixed an issue where comrades' highlights were not visible on some AMD graphics cards and some Intel graphics cards with the MSAA setting enabled.

Fixed loading screens not taking up the entire screen when playing at certain resolution and aspect ratio combinations.

The text on the photosensitivity warning screen has been shortened.

Fixed an issue where the "Equip" button would remain grayed out when purchasing a previewed skin style.

Fixed an issue where Brimstone's smoke was spawning in a different spot than intended in Haven.

Fixed a typo in Brimstone's biography.

Quote from Riot Games .



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