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Valorant 2.05 Patch - Penalty Increases

Valorant 2.05 Patch - Penalty Increases
In previous patches of Valorant, AFK and Inappropriate behavior penalties were mentioned. With the new Valorant 2.05 patch, penalties have been increased and made more deterrent. Details are in the article.

Riot Games has officially released the 2.05 patch notes, the latest update of Valorant . Thanks to the new update, players will have unique keybinds to fly up and down in Sova's Drone and Astra's Astral Form .

Talking about adding new penalties for offenders earlier, Riot kept that promise in patch 2.05 , and in-game chat-based crimes brought progressive penalties to Valorant for players who displayed inappropriate behavior. Improvements were also made to the Competitive and AFK penalty system in patch 2.05, which included a number of bug fixes to improve the gameplay experience of the players . This means that you will now receive a small rank penalty for evading a Competitive game. If you wish, you can view the full notes of the patch below.


Valorant 2.05 Patch Notes and Highlights

New key assignments have been added to the settings menu to be able to fly up and down while in Astral Passenger form.

Added new key assignments to the settings menu to be able to fly up and down while using the Owl Drone.


Valorant Part 2 Part 2 Top 5 Agents


♦ Competition Updates

  • The Career: Division Tier tab now has a setting where you can enable or disable the Division Rank.
  • In the Match History tab, you can now filter the matches you have played by modes.
  • Players escaping competitive encounters will now have their tier score reduced by a small amount.
  • Adjusted the ratios of gaining and losing rank points at the Radiant level to be consistent with the ratios of rank points at Immortality.
  • Updated the layout and visuals of the Custom Games screen.

♦ AFK and Inappropriate Behavior Updates

  • AFK detection system has been developed.
  • Updated penalties for AFK behavior.
    - These penalties include warnings, rank restrictions, cancellation of earned XP, competitive queuing and suspension from the game.
  • Updated penalties for chat-related rule violations.
    - These penalties include warnings, chat restrictions, competitive queue restrictions and suspensions.

♦ Social Updates

  • AFK detection system has been developed. 
  • Updated penalties for AFK behavior.
    - These penalties include warnings, rank restrictions, cancellation of earned XP, competitive queuing and suspension from the game.
  • Updated penalties for chat-related rule violations.
    - These penalties include warnings, chat restrictions, competitive queue restrictions and suspensions.
  • Violations that we have zero tolerance for will result in the player being automatically removed from the game.

♦ Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug where ranked match icons were not aligned on the Match History screen.
  • Astra now starts Spike Rush matches with a 5-star stack.
  • Killjoy will no longer be able to jump and place his Isolation device on surrounding items or walls.
  • Fixed Cypher's Hidden Camera pin sometimes hitting players behind a wall.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Killjoy from gaining stacks when recalling his Alert Bot and turrets after respawning.
  • Fixed a bug that caused dead enemies to appear blinded in the combat report.
  • Fixed a bug where Astra was unable to trigger the " No Charges " line for her abilities while in the Astral Traveler form .
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the muffled effect of the vision restriction effect from triggering while Astra was in-game.
  • Fixed a bug where Cypher's Hidden Camera could target behind Sage's wall.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Astra from placing stars on top of defender-side boxes in the mid zone when in zone A in the Icebox.
  • Sova's Owl Drone and Astra's ascend/descend keys now properly recognize changed jump/crouch assignments.
  • The destruction range circle that spawns after the Spike is placed now properly displays.
  • Fixed a rare bug that prevented players from moving or pressing keys until they died when using Astra's Astral Passenger form, Sova's Owl Drone, Skye's scouts, or Cypher's Hidden Camera device.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the downed Stinger's butt to appear separate from the weapon.
  • Player names have been made better readable in Observer mode.
  • Fixed Skye's Trackers' movements not appearing on Brimstone's tactical map.
  • Fixed the leaderboard colors not changing correctly for spectators when changing sides.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the " Network Problem " icon to appear when there was no problem with the network connection .

► Leak:  Infantry Weapon Skins

There are leaks on social media and community pages that Valorant will include a new set of weapon skins with the upcoming 2.05 patch . According to the information in the leaks, it is said that Infantry weapon skins will be included in the game with their Turkish translation. Infantry weapon skins are considered to be the following weapons;
  • Guardian
  • Specter
  • Ares
  • Marshal
  • ghost

(Note: The image you are viewing is a representative image, it is not the final appearance of the weapon skins.) The

exact appearance and prices of these weapon skins are not yet known. In addition, leaks about the future of weapon skins have not yet been confirmed by official sources and are not certain. Therefore, it is not possible for us to provide definitive information before it is brought into the game or an official announcement is made. All we have to do is wait and see. When it becomes a certainty, we will share with you the looks and sales prices of the weapon skins.

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