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Valorant 2.07 Patch - Astra and Raze

Valorant 2.07 Patch - Astra and Raze
Valorant, a developing FPS game day by day, shared the notes of the latest update, patch 2.07. Important bug fixes have been made in this patch, even if there is not much change compared to other patches. Details are in the article.
Riot Games has released the 2.07 patch notes of the popular tactical FPS game Valorant . As you know, Valorant , which debuted not too long ago, periodically updates it for in-game errors and innovations. The majority of the updates brought by the developer company, which aims to provide a better competitive environment for the players, are the errors encountered in the game. The past two patch updates; It brought many details such as highly detailed bug fixes, agent updates and balancing, various weapon skins. If you wish, let's take a look at the changes made by the 2.07 patch notes to the game.


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Valorant 2.07 Patch Changes

In Valorant , where the necessary adjustments are made to preserve the competitive integrity of the game , the 2.07 patch notes offer a good quality of life update to Astra, while Raze and Viper receive some tweaks. On the other hand, Riot aims to fix many issues that are still common in the shooter in the patch notes . You can view the important changes of the patch below.

Valorant 2.07 Patch Notes | Highlights

♦ Astra
Using Astra's Gravity Field ability, agents are temporarily drawn towards this area and their movement is restricted. Focused on Astra's ability in patch 2.07. The movement of a player who placed or destroyed a Spike was not impaired when casting the Astra Gravity Field ability. With the patch, this has been changed so that a player can use the Astra Gravity Field ability to disrupt it when placing or destroying a Spike.
Gravity Field ( C )
  • It now draws the agents that destroyed Spike to its center.
  • If enemies move out of Spike's range while they destroy Spike, the destruction is incomplete.

♦ Raze
Recently, it was seen that some pro players are doing different moves with Raze. These moves give players the ability to progress quickly and fly using the Explosive Bag ability. In this way, players could play very effective games against their opponents. In this patch, this situation is still available, that is, it is active. However, some changes have been made so that opponents can use this ability more clearly and easily. With the added sound effects, it will be much easier to detect and respond to Raze's use of this ability.
Explosive Bag (Q)
  • Added sound effects to be heard when jumping into the air using an Explosive Bag.
  • Updated the visual effects of Explosions and Breathtaking to make them less obscure and clear from the playing field more quickly.

♦ Viper
Viper's Poison Veil ability that dealt 50 decay damage when passed through caused some bugs. Players passing through this Veil of Venom could not be killed even on hit when targeted with the Marshal's weapon, due to 50 decay damage they received. This bug has been fixed in this patch and included in the game for review.

  • Fixed a bug when calculating whether damage taken by rotting players with a shield was lethal. This would cause the target to stay with 1 health instead of dying, especially if you hit a target with 50 decay with the Marshal.

Valorant 2.07 Patch Notes | Fixed Bugs

  • Yoru will no longer be able to place Spikes while Interdimensional Transition is active after using her Crackdown ability.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Astra to see a dome in the sky when exiting the Astral Passenger form while casting the Omen ultimate.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Sage's Barrier Orb to break when placed near Killjoy's turret.
  • Cypher will no longer be able to place Hidden Cameras inside the Cyber ​​Cage.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Killjoy's disabled Alarm Bots to chase targets that passed and drifted away for a certain period of time when reactivated.
  • Fixed Skye's Guide Light ability appearing to go underground when dashed towards the ground.
  • Fixed various localization issues in the server selection and promotion screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Match History filter to not work properly.
  • Fixed a bug that required players to restart the client to get rid of the competitive queue restriction after it expired.
  • Fixed a bug where some players who remained AFK after the match ended during the rebuild were not penalized.

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