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Valorant Agent Yoru Disabled Competitively

Valorant Agent Yoru Disabled Competitively
Noticing that Valorant agent Yoru has been teleported outside of the playable area with his Breakthrough ability, players have reported back to Riot Games and Yoru has been briefly disabled from competitive matches.

♦ UPDATE: Riot Games has decided to re-rotate the agent by fixing the Yoru bug. " Yoru is back in action. We've temporarily disabled Yoru due to an exploit where he could teleport out of the playground. This exploit needs to be fixed! "

Riot Games has taken action to fix an issue with other maps featuring Yoru . According to a status update in the game client, Yoru has been disabled to work on various issues and the Breeze map has been removed from competitive matches. Yoru 's Breakthrough ability uses a dimension portal orb to teleport to targets. Receiving a lot of feedback, Riot temporarily disabled the agent from competitive matches when the perceived skill gap created an unfair competitive environment in the game. You can see the images of this deficit below;

Players have recently discovered multiple bugs involving Yoru on the Breeze and Bind maps. The agent's Breakthrough ability allows him to teleport or pass through walls and can shoot down enemies undetected when Yoru enters. Seeing that the agent was teleported out of the playable area and most of them were on the Breeze map, the players wanted to intervene, especially after the spike installed inside the pyramid was not noticed by other players and the game was lost.


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Valorant has evolved significantly since its launch and is still evolving. The biggest support for developers who want to offer a more smooth and stable game environment is the feedback from their social media and community pages. When players encounter any error, they immediately notify the authorities and help to solve the problem as soon as possible. As in every game, problems and in-game vulnerabilities may occur in Valorant . While many of these issues do not directly affect the game, some of them rarely affect the course of the game and the competitive environment.

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