Valorant Breeze Map Spray Error

A player has discovered a minor bug on the Breeze map, Valorant's latest and new map. In the error, it is seen that the Spray applied by the player on the door does not move with the door. Details are in the article.
The new map Breeze was recently included in Valorant . With the new map, the players got very excited and concentrated on the map. Concentration of the large player base on the Breeze map also made it easier to detect some bugs. Players voice their mistakes on social media and community pages. While one of these errors is a harmless one, it does present an interesting picture. This error is mentioned in an issue created by a Valorant player on the community page. The error actually seems like a harmless error. Spraying the player on a door that can be opened and closed, the player saw that Spary was moving and interesting images emerged. ───────────────────────────
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Valorant Breeze Spray Error Details
The image of the Spray bug shared by a Valorant player on the community page is quite interesting. This Spray, which is applied on a door that can be opened and closed, has to move with the door under normal conditions. However, in the image shared by the player, Spray seems to have remained stable. Of course, such an error was expected on a new map. It is a very good situation that the error is so small and does not affect the players. You can watch the video of this error below;
Such community pages are a very effective method for detecting and resolving game bugs. Developers periodically check these community pages and detect and resolve errors. Therefore, if you have encountered an error in the game, you can record this error and send it to us. We will forward the in-game errors you send to us to the right places and provide the necessary actions to resolve them. Likewise, if you wish, you can forward the error you have recorded by contacting the community pages and social media. Sounds good to have a contribution to the development of the game, doesn't it? ► Click to buy discounted Valorant VP now!