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Valorant Celestial Weapon Skins Coming

Valorant Celestial Weapon Skins Coming
With the announcement of the Valorant Climb mod, a number of new activities have occurred. With Valorant's 2.03 patch, new Celestial weapon skins will be included in the game. Details are in the article.

The Riot Games developer team is growing the tactical shooter Valorant day by day and introduced a brand new skin set Celestial weapon skin and Escalation mode for players to keep Valorant 's celebrations on last week's Lunar New Year event . Celestial weapon skin set inspired by Anime versions of Agents ; Weapon skins include a unique Gun Buddy, a spray celebrating Lunar New Year . Weapon collection coming with Valorant 2.03 patch notesit also includes five more designs with four weapons, as well as a melee weapon.

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Released under the Valorant Go collection , each of the weapons features an anime-inspired version of the five agents showcased in the Glitchpop Store. Each of the agents' images moves around the weapon so your character always faces the player no matter which way you look.

  • Reyna-themed Phantom
  • Killjoy-themed Specter
  • Cypher-themed Guardian
  • Wise-themed Ghost
  • Jett-themed Melee

You can get Valorant anime Go Volume 1 weapon skins by paying 1775 VP for each weapon  , 3550 VP for the kunai knife and 7100 VP for the whole package price . The skin collection also includes 3D motion graphics with images of the sun, moon and ox. You can view details about new anime weapon skins in our " Valorant New Anime Weapon Skins " article.

Celestial Weapon Skin Set Details

The new Celestial weapon skin set is expected to be included in the game with Valorant 2.03 patch . Celestial weapon skins feature a black body with gold accents all over. The skin lines for all weapons are all made with the same art style, but the accents in the patterns vary for each weapon. It has pictures of rising waves and setting sun, along with animations for all of them. Weapon skins also change the ADS or Aim marker to match the theme.

You can view the images of Celestial weapon skins from the table below ;

Celestial FrenzyCelestial Judge
Celestial PhantomCelestial Ares
Celestial Blade / Fan

Valorant players and fans of the game can't wait to get their weapon skins with the upcoming Valorant 2.03 patch . All you have to do is buy discounted VP from the link below and participate in the visual feast of the game.

►  Click to buy discounted Valorant VP now!

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