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Valorant Champions Tour Challenger Stage 1 Results

Valorant Champions Tour Challenger Stage 1 Results
Valorant Champions Tour Stage 1 match results have been published. You can see the current agenda and table, the matches of the day from the table on the site. Details are in the article.

Valorant Champions Tour 2021 pits the best Valorant teams from around the world against each other. All teams will fight hard to pass Valorant Masters , which is the pass key to Valorant Champions . To qualify for the Masters events, teams will need to pass the Challengers stage of their regional event.


  • Teams will fight in three separate stages throughout the year: Challengers - Masters - Champions
  • Each stage consists of three Challenger events that will determine a Masters event.
  • Masters: The level at which teams collect points to qualify for the Champions event.
  • The world's top 16 teams will compete head-to-head in Valorant Champions to determine Future Earth's first global champion.

The exact schedule of the tournament is still unclear, but the schedule and match details of the first Challengers event have been revealed.

Phase 1: Challengers Program and Results

♦ Europe | Challengers 1: February 4-7


Day 1: Saturday, February 6 


  • Round 8
    G2 1 –  2 Ninjas In Pajamas                 

    • Monkey Business 2 –  0 Guild


Day 2: Sunday, February 7 


  • Round 8
    Wave 2 –  1 Fnatic

    FPX 2 –  0 Liquid

Challengers 2: March 18-21
Challengers 3: -
Masters: -

♦ North America | Challengers 1: February 4-7


Day 1: Thursday, February 4


  • Senior Quarter Finals:
    Immortals 2 –  1 XSET

    Gen. G 2 –  0 NRG

    Envy 2 –  0 Andbox

    Luminosity 2 –  0 Sentinels
  • Lower Tier Round 1:
    XSET 2 –  0 NRG

    Sentinels 2 –  0 Andbox


Day 2: Friday, February 5


  • Upper Tier Semi-Finals:
    Immortals 2 –  0 Gen. G

    Luminosity 2 –  0 Envy

  • Lower Tier Round 2:
    XSET 2 –  1 Envy

    Sentinels 2 –  1 Gen G.


Day 3: Saturday, February 6


  • Upper Tier Final:
    •  Immortals 2 –  1 Luminosity

  • Lower Tier Round 3:
    • XSET 0 –  2 Sentinels

  • Sub-Tier Final:
    • Luminosity 1 –  2 Sentinels


Day 4: Sunday, February 7


  • Grand Finale:
    • Immortals 1 – 2 Sentinels

Challengers 2: February 18-21
Challengers 3: March 4-7
Masters: March 13-21


♦ Korea | Challengers 1: February 4-7 


Day 1: Thursday, February 4


  • Group A Matches:
    DAMWON KIA 2 –  0 World Game Star

    TNL Esports 1 – 1 ZFGaming

  • Group B Matches:
    •  Hamtori 2 –  0 GOMA


Day 2: Friday, February 5


  • Group A Matches:
    •  World Game Star 2 –  0 TNL Esports

  • Group B Matches:
    Hamtori 1 – 1 BearClaw Gaming

    • GOMA 0 –  2 Vision Strikers


Day 3: Saturday, February 6 


  • Group A Matches:
    •  DAMWON KIA 2 –  0 ZFGaming

  • Group B Matches:
    • Hamtori 0 –  2 Vision Strikers

    • GOMA 0  –  2 BearClaw Gaming


Day 4: Friday, February 7 


  • Group A Matches:
    DAMWON KIA 1 – 1 TNL Esports

    World Star Gaming 2  – 0 ZFGaming

  • Group B Matches:
    Vision Strikers 2  – 0 BearClaw Gaming

Challengers 2: February 18-21
Challengers 3: March 4-7
Masters: -

♦ Brazil | Challengers 1: January 30 – February 7 


Day 1: Saturday, January 30 


  • Group A Semi-Finals:
    • Vorax 11 –  13 SLICK

    • Galaxy Carrots 6 –  13 FURIA

  • Group B Semi-Finals:
    • DELIRAWOWZK 7 –  13 S5

    • Imperial 6 –  13 Vikings


Day 2: Sunday, January 31


  • Group A Lower Tier Round 1:
    Vorax 2 –  1 Galaxy Carrots


Day 3: Monday, February 1 


  • Group B Lower Tier 1st Round:
    • DELIRAWOWZK 0 –  2 Imperial


Day 4: Saturday, February 6


  • Group A Upper Tier Final:
    SLICK 0 –  2 FURIA

  • Group B Upper Tier Final:
    S5 0 –  2 Vikings


Day 5: Sunday, February 7 


  • Group A Lower Tier Final:
    SLICK 2 – 1 Vorax

  • Group B Lower Tier Final:
    • S5 0 – 2 Imperial

Challengers: February 13-21
Challengers: February 27 – March 6
Masters: March 19-21

The grand finale will take place today and the winner will qualify for Challengers Stage 2 . All teams are fighting to rise in Valorant Masters . Four teams from stage one will qualify for stage two of the Valorant Challengers stage and will continue with two separate classifications. You can watch all the matches on Valorant's official Twitch channel

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