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Valorant: Competitive Mode MMR System

Valorant: Competitive Mode MMR System
Valorant's competitive matchmaking system still has a few issues. The solid MMR system at high elo needs tweaking to make it easier for Valorant players to rank up.

Valorant 's competitive matchmaking system still needs a lot of work, as a large portion of the shooter's player base is still dissatisfied with their turn times at higher ranks and teammates they shouldn't be in. lower ranks encounter too much high elo. The issue is very common and not a regional issue that Valorant players are currently facing even after the latest patch 1.10 update.

However, the situation may be slightly worse for ranks above "Immortal" as the win/lose MMR system is not as forgiving as at high elo. In a recent Reddit post, AkamineHate's  Valorant player shares some insight into the issues the game's matchmaking is facing in high elo.

AkamineHate writes, "Hey Guys! I'm at diamond 2 right now, but I'm going to drop to diamond 3. I've been getting extremely unlucky with my questions lately and surprisingly often for a D2 player in trouble, I often get into the wrong lobbies. One of the reasons I'm stuck is because of the MMR change My issue with this system is that if there's only one Immortal in the lobby, the Immortal + MMR rules apply to everyone in the lobby, despite your own rank." Valorant's MMR system beyond the Immortal rank is very unforgiving and is lower on your team when you're an Immortal or a Diamond yourself. Getting a rank player can be pretty jarring.

Does Valorant's Competitive MMR system need tweaking?


AkamineHate supports the Valorant MMR tweak argument via two in-game screenshots.

A photo representing the K/D/A tab where the Redditor played Omen and queued up with the Radiants.


The other image is the post-match footage.

"I shouldn't be in this lobby in the first place. A Diamond 2 can't line up with radians."

“Secondly, the game ended in a 7-13 loss for me and I lost two points despite being the second best player on my team on the leaderboard. I did better than two brilliant players and still lost two arrows because this was recorded as an undead + game, so the MMR won/lost is based on win/loss only, even though I'm not an immortal ranked player. "

For the second image, AkamineHate stated:

“In this game, there is only one Immortal in this entire lobby. This single undead saves the entire lobby as an undead + game, and as such, I lost two points despite basically reducing the entire game to 1v5."

Valorant's matchmaking has been an issue since the game's official launch, and Riot really needs to fix some of the "glaring" issues players have been facing for a while.



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