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Valorant Developers Announce New Agent Will Be A Duelist

Valorant Developers Announce New Agent Will Be A Duelist
The Valorant character producer reveals that the new agent is a Duelist. Valorant developers decided to implement major changes for existing agents in the game.
Valorant character producer John Goscicki revealed that his team is looking to add new agents to the game as well as bring changes to previous agents. Day by day , the world of Valorant grows with the community. New updates and additions to the game refresh the players' experience and make them think differently to tackle new scenarios. In a new article by Riot Games , the game's character producer, John Goscicki, explains how the team wants agents to perform in the future.

Valorant Will Bring Major Changes to All Agents

In January 2021, Valorant developers planned to make changes to existing characters, starting with Control Specialists and then moving on to Vanguard and Duelists. However, as John said, they have good reason to do so. Valorant developers noticed minor similarities emerged between the games of a Vanguard and Duelist. They have found that Pioneers can easily handle certain individual games, whereas there are other situations where a Duelist might need team support. This led to the decision to completely differentiate the abilities of a Vanguard and a Duelist. This will help each agent perform exactly the role expected. This will give the game a fresher feel and a better gameplay, role style. Valorant developers had this to say about differentiating agent types:
At a high level, we want to encourage people to play with teammates whenever possible. We believe that giving a little more team-oriented power to the Lead and Controller roles will help achieve this goal.

Another possible reason why the team came up with such an idea is that the Control Specialist Brimstone and Viper are rarely used in the game. A change in these agents could increase the popularity of Controller in Valorant .

Valorant's 14th Agent Will Become a Duelist

Valorant will air the 14th Agent in its upcoming new season . As Valorant producer John said, the new agent will be Duelist. With this addition, a full squad of five Duelists can be formed. With up to three Duelists currently being trialled by top-tier teams, big changes in the meta can be expected with the new Duelist.

Skye was a necessary change to the game as there were only 2 Vanguards before. And now that the need is gone, the developer team continues to experiment with new additions that will expand the possibilities of the game.

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