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Valorant Developers Update How Vanguard Anti-Cheat Will Work Post-release

Valorant Developers Update How Vanguard Anti-Cheat Will Work Post-release
The power of Vanguard will reveal itself when the game is fully released

Riot's new team-based Fps game , Valorant , is nearing the end of its beta and just days before its full release. A recent blog post from Riot described this transition and what differences beta players will face when they launch - most notably there will be changes to the Vanguard anti-cheat system.

In developing its new online FPS, Riot chose to take a hard line against cheats and cheaters, the cornerstone of which was the launch of its own proprietary anti-cheat software. When this beta version of Valorant, the closed beta of Vanguard, was released, the fact that they were very aggressive in blocking drivers amongst players immediately caused concern even though the game wasn't active yet.

Thanks to the closed beta, Vanguard's powers have been withdrawn, but will be active when the full version is released. During the beta period, while Vanguard was used to identify cheats, these reports were still hand-reviewed and banned cheaters by decision made by a human team (this process still resulted in thousands of bans).

With the full version and the larger player base it will bring, Vanguard will now have the ability to ban without human surveillance. 

Valorant will launch on PC on June 2.

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