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VALORANT Guardians of the Light Weapon Skins Released

VALORANT Guardians of the Light Weapon Skins Released
VALORANT's newest weapon pack, Guardians of the Light, is out. The Guardians of the Light pack is the second League of Legends themed weapon skin pack to be released in VALORANT. The first was the Disaster weapon skins released a few weeks ago.

VALORANT 's newest weapon pack, Guardians of the Light, is out. The Guardians of the Light packis the second League of Legends themed weapon skin pack to be released in VALORANT . The first was the Disaster weapon skins released a few weeks ago.

The latest update is now available in the VALORANT store for approximately 8,700 VP. This is worth 2,175 VP when players want to buy individual skins from inside the pack, and 4,350 VP at close range.

Guardians of the Light weapon skins include Vandal, Operator, Sherrif, Ares, and melee weapons. We can say that it contrasts with the Phantom, Guardian, Specter and Ghost weapons in the disaster weapon skin package. However, different color variants, player card attachments and standard weapon charm are also included in the package.

According to Riot Games' Premium content designer Sean Marino, “ Guardians of the Light is the opposite of Disaster. The champions fighting the Disaster are the Guardians of Light .” What they took into account in the design, Marino said, was that Calamity and the Guardians of Light represented evil and good and were opposed to each other.

The Guardians of Light skin pack will remain in the store for 3 weeks, most likely until August 11.

Guardians of the Light Weapon Collection

♦ Knives


♦ Sheriff


♦ Vandal 



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♦ Operator


♦ Ares


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