Valorant: How do high graphics settings affect ability builds?

Valorant: How do high graphics settings affect ability builds?
Each map in Valorant has certain objects that only appear at high settings.

When it comes to competitive, tactical FPS games, the general consensus among gamers is 'the better your frame rates the better you play'. And better framerates are always available at lower graphics settings, at least for most gamers. That's why we were pretty surprised when you heard that lower textures are at a disadvantage for players in a particular game. Riot Games ' latest fps game Valorant is perhaps the most famous of the most accessible FPS games right now. The system requirements are quite low and if you look at this news , we can say that it can even work in a toaster.

Certain map textures are missing when playing Valorant on lower graphics settings

But the ability to run on any legacy system comes at a price. And in Valorant's case it's the lack of some missing map textures at low graphics settings that allow it to run better . In recent Reddit news, a Valorant player posted a discovery. The player noted that while lowering the game's graphics, there are some textures in the game that become completely invisible.


Screengrab from Reddit post

For example, the post showed the laundry line located near area B in Ascent in Valorant, visible at high settings. This object won't be there when shot at low settings. Technically, in the lower tiers, removing this small detail might not be such a big deal. But as games become more competitive, such objects become very important.

And little textures like these are vital to perfecting utility items. Agents like Brimstone , Sova , and Viper depend on a lot of utilities. And for them, playing in lower environments is quite disadvantageous .


Screenshot from the Reddit Post and the video in the Reddit post show how useful the clothesline texture is in Ascent, especially for Sova players. By shooting a scout arrow at the object, a player will be able to gain invaluable information in zone B. Now, a player setting a game to low wouldn't even know such a texture exists. At low settings this type of texture removal is present on every map, putting Valorant players at a much greater disadvantage with less powerful regs.

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