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Valorant Mouse Sensitivity Adjustment

Valorant Mouse Sensitivity Adjustment
Mouse DPI and sensitivity settings are crucial in improving your aim and performance in Valorant. Read on for the best Valorant sensitivity settings.

Valorant is a free-to-play competitive first-person shooter that involves using skills and abilities to influence and change the outcome of the game. It is currently only available on the Windows platform where the mouse is the main controller in the game. Your settings in Valorant are usually based on personal preference. But there are a few important variables to consider, especially when it comes to your mouse sensitivity and dots per inch ( DPI ).

Valorant Mouse DPI and sensitivity settings are extremely important mainly because this is an FPS game and will greatly affect your aim and performance. If your sensitivity is too high, you will have a hard time accurately clicking or tapping on your opponent's head. But if it's too low, reacting to a gunfight, from a flank or a flash can be equally challenging. So, let's take a look at how you can get your configuration right.

♦ Mouse Acceleration

One of the first things you should do when getting started is to turn off mouse acceleration as it will really help you on your 'goal development' journey. The reason mouse acceleration is an issue is because the system automatically tries to increase its sensitivity as you move your cursor. This will significantly affect your sensitivity and cause a handicap. When you turn it off, your system will no longer tamper with the cursor, meaning you have full control over mouse movements.

You can turn off mouse acceleration like this:

  • Step 1: Search for “ mouse settings ” using the Windows search bar .
  • Step 2: Click on ' Change your mouse settings ' option.
  • Step 3: Select ' Additional mouse options '.
  • Step 4: Go to the ' Pointer Options ' tab and disable the ' Improve Pointer Precision ' option.
  • Step 5: Hit ' Apply ' and click ' OK ' to save the changes.


►  Valorant Best Crosshair Settings


Valorant Sensitivity Settings

Valorant mouse sensitivity is entirely dependent on the personal preference of the player. Mice vary, but usually range from 400 to 3,200 DPI. The lower your DPI, the slower your mouse cursor moves. Top players for tactical shooters like Valorant and Counter-Strike tend to use lower DPIs like 400, 800 and in some cases 1,600. We recommend using 800 for Valorant . Neither too fast nor too slow. After you've tried playing the game at low DPI settings , you can go a little higher to see what works best for you and which setting you're more comfortable with.

When you set the mouse to low DPI settings, you will have to put in a little more effort for each cursor movement. On the other hand, going to a higher DPI setting above 800 will require small wrist movements and subtle mouse movements. You're likely to notice the differences with the change in settings and you'll need some tweaking to perfect it. You can change the Valorant mouse and DPI settings until you feel it is in place  , and you can find the sensitivity that works best for you. 

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