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Valorant New Agent Astra's Skills and Release Date

Valorant New Agent Astra's Skills and Release Date
Announcements for Valorant's newest and 15th Agent, Astra, were made on the official pages. This confirmed the arrival of the new agent. For the release date and other details for the new agent Astra, the details are in the article.

Valorant 's new agent , Astra, will be released on March 2, with the start of Valorant Chapter 2 Action 2 . A brand new character with very cool abilities , Astra appears as a Control Specialist agent who enters a strange space world to place stars that she can use to activate various abilities . At the same time as Chapter 2 Action 2, a new battle pass will be added to the game. Riot GamesThe new agent sent invitations to creators to test and try Astra. In this way, we will be able to see new features or updates that will be included in the game besides Astra. It is estimated that Riot will activate this patch at the same time as other patches.

A Ghanaian controller representative with a unique playstyle and skill, whose aesthetic is inspired by Afrofuturism, Astra brings a kit and perspective to the game that feels completely different from anything currently available.

Game designer Jordan Anton said in a press release: " With Astra, we wanted to make a controller that thinks about the whole map. Its global presence was there from the start. We wanted the skill statement to be about gathering information and turning it into a plan, where the implementation phase is just right. It's more about aiming to throw a grenade than it's about seeing if your reading of the enemy comes together as you'd hoped.

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Valorant New Agent Astra's Skill Set

Valorant's new agent Astra 's abilities work differently than most other agents, with the exception of Omen's fumes. On the purchase screen, the agent can purchase nodes; By pressing the x/ult button , Astra enters an interface where it hovers over the map to place nodes. During gameplay, these nodes can be withdrawn by the agent (with a cooldown before redeploying) or triggered to perform one of the following abilities:


Activate a Star to create a Gravity Well. Players in the area are drawn towards the center before it explodes and apply the vulnerable status effect when it explodes.


Activate a Star to detonate a Nova Pulse. Nova Pulse charges for a short time and then shakes and attacks all players in the area.


This is a smoke ability. These fumes function similarly to Omens - unlike Brimstone for example - the fumes themselves are hollow.


Use (F) on the Star to disperse, after a delay bring the Star back to place it in a new location. Dispersion briefly creates a false Nebula at the Star's location before returning.


Activate to enter Astral Form where you can place Stars with Primary Fire. Stars can then be reactivated, transforming them into Nova Pulses, Nebulas or Gravity Wells. Once the Cosmic Split is loaded, use Secondary Fire in Astral Form to start aiming at it, then use Primary Fire to select two locations. An Infinity Cosmic Split connects the two points you choose. Cosmic Divide blocks projectiles and greatly reduces sound.

Possible Release Dates of Valorant New Patch Notes 

2.03.2021PST 08:00 AM
2.03.2021EST 11:00 AM
2.03.2021GMT 16:00
2.03.2021IST 21:30
3.03.2021JST 01:00

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