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Valorant New Battle Pass and Weekly Challenges

Valorant New Battle Pass and Weekly Challenges
With the new 2.04 patch coming to Valorant, new Battle Pass and weekly missions have been brought along with Noble 2.0 weapon skins. You also have a chance to gain XP faster with daily quests. Details are in the article.

Valorant 's latest update 2.04 patch notes brought with it new Battle Pass missions, and weekly missions and rewards have been reworked. Now is the time to buy Battle Pass and earn rewards by completing missions. You can buy 8% discount Valorant VP from our website at the most affordable prices to buy Battle Pass . By activating the Valorant VP you will receive in your account, you can get your Battle Pass, complete the missions and have various rewards. With the new 2.04 patch update, Valorant 2nd Part 2 has started , which will continue for 7 weeks.. Various missions you can do for 7 weeks are waiting for you, now is the time!


►  Valorant Noble 2.0 Weapon Skins Content


The most efficient and quickest way to complete these weekly tasks is actually quite simple. All you have to do is spend a lot of time in Valorant and play many matches . Based on the statistics obtained, it is seen that many players mainly play the Spike Rush mode and try to collect XP faster . This situation may serve as an example for you, but you can test your XP gain according to the time you spend for yourself and the game and discover the most suitable way for you.

Valorant Chapter 2 Part 2 Weekly Challenges and Rewards

♦ Week 1
  • Deal 18000 Total Damage: 10080 XP
  • Play 10 Games Total: 10080 XP
  • 200 Ability Use: 10080 XP

♦ Week 2

  • Destroy or Place 20 Spikes: 12320 XP
  • 45 Headshot Kills: 12320 XP
  • Use Ultimate Ability 25 Times: 12320 XP

♦ Week 3

  • Kill 100 Enemies: 12320 XP
  • Play 150 Rounds Total: 12320 XP
  • Buy 200 Items: 12320 XP

♦ Week 4 

  • 200 Ability Use: 16800 XP
  • Deal 18000 Total Damage: 16800 XP
  • Use Ultimate Ability 25 Times: 16800 XP

♦ Week 5

  • Destroy or Place 20 Spikes: 17920 XP
  • Kill 100 Enemies: 17920 XP
  • Play 10 Games Total: 17920 XP

♦ Week 6

  • 45 Headshot Kills: 21280 XP
  • Use Ultimate Ability 25 Times: 21280 XP
  • Buy 100 Items: 21280 XP

♦ Week 7

  • Deal 18000 Total Damage: 21280 XP
  • Play 150 Rounds Total: 21280 XP
  • 150 Ability Use: 21280 XP

In addition to the quests mentioned above for Valorant players , they can also perform daily quests that will assist in the process of completing the Battle Pass . In addition, various in-game content, night market opportunities and new weapon skins are brought to the players on a planned basis by the developers. This is the most important proof of the importance that Riot Games gives to its players.

►  Click to buy discounted Valorant VP now!


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