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Valorant New Skin Pack: Origin Leaked

Valorant New Skin Pack: Origin Leaked
Valorant dataminers have leaked the new Origin weapon collection for Chapter 3, Part 1.

The Valorant Origin weapon collection is coming! Riot Games reveals new weapon skins and cosmetics for their fan base with each new episode. Recently, Valorant data miners leaked Origin, the new skin pack for the upcoming Episode 3 Part 1 . Valorant's world-class content art director Sean Marino and senior producer Preeti Khanolkar discussed the upcoming Origin skins series in an interview with YouTuber DiegoteTV, which combines the seemingly opposite themes of sci-fi and ancient craftsmanship. The bundle includes Bucky, Frenzy, and Melee , along with the popular Vandal and Operatorwill include skins for their weapons.

Describing the skin pack, Marino said, " If someone 100 years ago had seen an iPhone in their own world, they would have thought it was just plain magic, " adding, " We wanted to make this weapon feel magical, but it's really high-tech. "


Origin Skin Pack To Have Five Valorant Weapon Cosmetics

Origin weapon skins ; It will take its place in Valorant 's weapon collections with beautiful animations in four different colors, black, red, green and white .

♦ Origin Vandal

♦ Origin Operator

♦ Origin Bucky


►  Valorant's New 16th Agent "Grenadier" 


♦ Origin Frenzy

♦ Origin Melee

I must say that the weapon effects are different and nicer than the previous ones, especially the knife looks very original. The animation, which seems to be falling into pieces, has also added a very different atmosphere. I think the Origin skin package, which draws attention with its round details, can take its place among the favorite collections.  

No information has been shared about the prices of the weapons yet, but since Origin weapon skins will have incredible kill effects and equipment animation, it can be assumed that the total price of the bundle will cost 6000 VP, 1775 VP in each weapon . No date has been set for the Origin skin pack release date, either, but Valorant Episode 3 Part 1 will launch in the third week of June.

In the upcoming Chapter 3 Part 1 , the developers will bring many improvements such as a new agent , updates to some old agents such as Breach, Skye, Yoru and Astra, and new weapon skins. The new season seems to be very exciting for the players. Stay tuned for more Valorant news. FOXNGAME

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