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Valorant Night Market is Renovated

Valorant Night Market is Renovated
Riot Games developers announced the Night Market system for Valorant with the 1.14 patch. Players complained about minor problems. Valorant Night Market will now be refreshed. Details are in the article.

The Valorant Night Market event is back with a new and improved model. Riot Games brought back Night Market on February 10 with many changes based on player feedback . Introduced with the 1.14 patch notes , Night Market has been reactivated to offer discounts on weapon skins for a limited time at players' insistence .


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What is Valorant Night Market?

Valorant has a wide variety of weapon skins and a variety of cosmetics. Weapon skins can be purchased from the in-game store as part of a bundle or as a separate skin. With patch 1.14 , Valorant introduced a new showcase option called the Night Market , and is offering discounts on six weapon skins for a limited time. Randomly determined options vary for each player.

However, this random situation led to unpredictable consequences. Night Market for every playerThe selection varied not only in appearance options, but also in quality. While some players were happy with the selection of weapon skins available to them, many were not. Valorant weapon skins can be divided into five different types. Without translation with their original names;

  • Select Edition
  • Deluxe Edition
  • Premium Edition
  • Ultra Edition
  • Exclusive Edition

has been determined. Each has a different pricing.

New Valorant Night Market

Valorant recently released a new version of Night Market . Update; announced along with improvements to rebalance the discount and the skins offered.

The first major improvement is that players will be offered at least two Premium Edition weapon skins unless they have all of the Premium Edition skins. The second major change ensures that players are not presented with more than two weapon skins of the same weapon. If less than six skins are offered to a player, the player will be offered a selection from those available.

The new Night Market will be active from February 23, 2021. These changes seem like a step in the right direction with the feedback received. According to the current system, how much improvement will be will be clear after February 23.

►  Click to buy discounted Valorant VP now!


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