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Valorant Part 2 Part 2 Top 5 Agents

Valorant Part 2 Part 2 Top 5 Agents
With the latest updates and in-game meta changes, we've compiled the top 5 agents to choose from. The beginning of Chapter 2 and Chapter 2 also introduced a new agent, Astra. Details are in the article.
With the release of Valorant Chapter 2, Part 2, many innovations came to the game. Ghana-based Astra has been recruited as the 15th Agent , a new Battle Pass has been introduced, and Noble 2.0 weapon skins have been introduced to players in stunning designs. Naturally, their players' goal was to rise to a higher rank in the competitive arena than their current rank. On the way, there are some points that players should pay attention to. The selection of the appropriate agent for the team composition is one of these issues.

We are sure that every match you will make with a suitable agent selection and team interaction will have a positive effect on the match result. Instead of choosing only one type of agent, you must strategically provide selection targets based on the game and your teammates. Even if this is not a problem at low ranks, the choices you make at higher ranks will have a significant impact on your game. We have compiled the top 5 agents for you to choose from in Valorant Part 2, Part 2 . Let's discuss together why these agents are good.​

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Valorant Part 2 Part 2 | Top 5 Agents

  • Jett

Of course, this situation of Jett, whose selection rate is quite high, is not a coincidence. The agent's extraordinary abilities and highly mobile nature make it a preferable option. With its mobile structure, it can neutralize its enemies very quickly or it can quickly move away from an enemy area to a safe area. This makes Jett highly preferable and one of the most preferred agents in team compositions.​

  • killjoy

Killjoy is one of the first agents that comes to mind when it comes to controlling a region for Valorant. The only Scout agent that can deal damage against enemy agents with his abilities, Killjoy's amenity kit puts him one step ahead of other agents when it comes to spotting and dealing damage. Thanks to the abilities such as the Turret and the Nanoswarm in his skill kit, he can inflict quite enough damage against the enemies. Killjoy's ultimate ability, Isolation, is ideal for securing an area or launching an attack on an area. That's why Killjoy is one of the most preferred agents in the game thanks to the features provided by the skill kit.

  • Brimstone

It can be said that the updates that came with Valorant Chapter 2 have been quite productive for Brimstone. Ability kits have been strengthened with the new patch, and the Smoky Airspace ability in the kit has been made available 3 times per turn. Unlike Control Specialist agents in Valorant, Brimstone has the freedom to use all of his fog abilities at once. His skill kit is very useful when it comes to gaining entry and defending a region, making him one of the most preferred agents.

  • sova

Sova's reconnaissance and scouting abilities are highly effective and are very useful in giving enemy agents a hard time. Before developing a certain strategy with your teammates, the positioning of the opposing team is very important and provides an advantage during the fight. Sova's Recon Arrow and Owl Drone can quickly spot enemies and provide information to allies about them. Sova has the strongest ultimate of almost any agent. This ability is called Hunter's Fury. He can protect Spike's security, which is installed in a certain area, even from far away, thanks to his ultimate ability. This easily places Sova on the list among the most selected agents.​

  • Breach

Breach is one of the agents that requires the most team cohesion and coordination among all these agents. If used correctly with the right team formation, it can become a nightmare for enemy players. With all of Breach's abilities available, he is powerful enough to neutralize an entire opposing team, even alone. While Breach is strong enough to deal with all opposing agents on his own, he becomes an unstoppable force when teamed up with his teammates. Therefore, it easily enters the list among the most preferred agents.

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