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Valorant Patch 2.08 - New Breeze Map

Valorant Patch 2.08 - New Breeze Map
Valorant developers have announced the new 2.08 patch. The patch mainly covers various bug fixes, gameplay improvements, competitive improvements, and the new Breeze map. Details are in the article.

Valorant 's 2.08 patch notes released today with lots of tweaks along with it. The update covers general tweaks such as simple gameplay bugs, competitive environment improvement, gameplay improvements, social updates, and agent balancing changes every week. In addition to all these, the most prominent issue in the 2.08 patch is the new Breeze map , which the Valorant community has been waiting for a while . The map gives players a very large and open space and offers plenty of space to hide. For this reason, you can view the details of the Breeze map and patch notes, which are suitable for many game styles, below.


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Patch 2.08 Details

Riot Games introduced the Breeze map with the patch . Due to the story and its structure, the map is located on an island. This map, which has a wide field of view, also includes many areas where players can hide and perform their game strategies defensively or offensively. This can show us new strategy and different rotations in professional level teams.

In addition, some minor adjustments were made to improve the competitive environment. Unranked matchmaking option is added so that players can get used to the Breeze map and adapt to its competitive environment . This will allow players to prepare for ranked matchmaking in advance. When these preparations are completed,The Breeze map will be fully adapted to the competitive environment.

♦ Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug that caused devices to lose their icons on the map when Killjoy's turret and Alert Bot were disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the smoke from Astra and Brimstone would protect players from being blinded even if they weren't completely inside.
  • Fixed a bug where Viper's Venom Curtain was cast into the teleporter on Bind, causing it to cast a much longer range than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Viper's Venom Cloud to have a ground range of 200 instead of 400.
  • Improved performance of Astra's Star Cloud visual effects at low settings.
  • In Spike Rush, when the player got a weapon upgrade orb with the Operator in hand, they would lose their Operator and could not replace it with any other weapon. This bug has been fixed
  • Fixed a bug that caused rank icons to disappear in the Match History.
  • Fixed Division Tier Badges appearing on the map loading screen in unranked modes.
  • Added disarming and receiving sounds to HRTF .
  • Report Feedback has been added to the game.
  • Added in-game warnings to remind players of first-time rule violations of the Code of Conduct.
  • Wild Rift players will now also be visible on the social panel.

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