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Valorant Premier System Will Be The Way To VCT Challengers

Valorant Premier System Will Be The Way To VCT Challengers
It will be Premier Valorant's team-based competitive system, connecting gaming and esports.

It will be Premier Valorant 's team-based competitive system, connecting gaming and esports. Here you can build your own team and win enough Premier matches in weekly matches on selected maps throughout the episode, and you'll enter the playoff tournament and battle for your place among the top teams of your skill level

The system will most likely work like Clash in League of Legends.

Premier will be an exciting environment where groups of five friends will compete together. For those who want to step up to the professional level, Valorant Esports Leader Leo said, “ There are no more open qualifying events, your path to professionalism begins within the game. " said.

Riot Games to Release an Early Version of Premier

Let's say you built your dream team and proved that you are one of the best by winning victory after victory. You're pretty confident and looking for bigger challenges.  

The Valorant Premier system will be the path tofutureVCT ChallengersNo more open qualifier tournaments. The road to pro will start in the game and if you do well, you will qualify for Challengers. You will play with the pros in the Challengers leagues.

It is possible to move from Challengers leagues to international leagues and even reach Champions. So while playing with five of your friends at home, you'll be able to go as far as Valorant's biggest tournament. Of course, it will take some time to realize this, but we are excited to present this path to professionalism to players as an opportunity.

When does Valorant Premier mode start?

Valorant Premier global beta will begin on April 23, 2023 with Chapter 6 Part 3. Set up our team now and set your strategies.

► Valorant Chapter 6 Part 2 Battle Pass is on Foxngame with discounted VP. Click here to buy cheap  Valorant Points


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