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Valorant Prime Gaming "Dance of Luck" Weapon Charm

Valorant Prime Gaming "Dance of Luck" Weapon Charm
The second Valorant Prime Gaming award of 2022 will be a weapon charm called "Dance of Luck".

Valorant playerswith an Amazon Prime subscription will receive another reward through Prime Gaming . Riot Games offers exciting rewards and attractive cosmetics to make Valorant more fun and interesting. Most of these cosmetics come to the in-game shop in rotation for a certain price; Players who want to have these skins need to purchase Valorant Points (VP), which is the in-game currency in return. You can also get free cosmetics and items by completing the agent contract.

Apart from all this, there is another way to collect free rewards in Valorant: Prime Gaming .

Prime Gaming is part of Amazon's cultural experiences. Thisallows users to have a free Twitch subscription along with free loot from video games. Many gameshave the ability to link players' main accounts and earn free rewards . However, players can collect these rewards only if they have an Amazon Prime subscription.


►  Valorant Chapter 4 Part 2 Battle Pass


Valorant Prime Gaming Rewards: Dance of Luck How to Obtain Weapon Charm?

Amazon Prime Gaming is giving players a variety of sprays, weapon skins, weapon charms, and player cards for free each month. The second Valorant Prime Gaming award of 2022 will be a weapon charm called "Dance of Luck".

Players need to follow the steps below to claim the weapon luck that will be released later this month. If you don't have an Amazon account, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial of Prime.

  • Step 1: Log in to the Prime Gaming website .

  • Step 2: Enter your Riot Games ID.

  • Step 3: Click on 'Request Now' to get the 'Dance of Luck' weapon charm.

  • Step 4: Open the game and go to the 'Collection' tab.

  • Step 5: Select the weapon charm and equip the item. 

The Valorant Dance of Luck Buddy reward will be available on the Prime Gaming Valorant page on February 26

► Big discount on VP for a limited time! Click here to buy Valorant Points VP: https://www.foxngame.com/valorant


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