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Valorant: Riot leaks information on new Agent 'Killjoy' and reveals his abilities

Valorant: Riot leaks information on new Agent 'Killjoy' and reveals his abilities
12. Agent of Valorant, Killjoy, will become a tech master with abilities that include massive crowd control. His abilities show how powerful he can be in the right hands.

Valorant developers have taken to the company's official website to leak certain information about the upcoming Agent. According to the leak found on Valorant's official site, 'Enter Killjoy' , the new Agent will likely be named Killjoy . 'O' will be the latest tech master to join the list.

The name Killjoy was leaked by some data miners in June, along with some talent disclosures. Miners PlayerIGN and floxay (two of the most prolific Valorant data miners) reported on their findings on Twitter . They had found files linked to an Agent named Killjoy who used turrets as their abilities .

And a recent 'So-called' leak by Riot games goes to prove just how accurate its findings are. There were also videos on Killjoy's recently made special talent announcements on his web page. Moreover, it is still on the web page.

Valorant leaks 'Killjoy' ability

So here is a brief description of its capabilities as mentioned in the leak:

1. Alarmbot


"Equip and deploy a bot that hunts down enemies who dare to enter range. Once my killer robot friend reaches its destination, the 'boom' goes." " Alarmbot not only deals damage, it temporarily leaves affected targets vulnerable to double damage from all sources. Equip your deployed bot if you want to recall it."

2. Turret


"Sometimes it's good to plant some saplings. Use a turret that shoots enemies within its 180-degree cone. Equip the popup tower to remember." 

3. Nanoswarm


"Okay, check this out. Throw the grenade. It goes quiet when it lands. Then, deploying and activating Nanoswarm with a damaging swarm of nanobots will make the enemy cry. I love this trick!"

4. Locking

"when you activate this device, all enemies caught in its radius are locked for about eight seconds. Yes, enemies can destroy it - but I have built much more."

Before the videos were made private, a YouTuber by the name Ohmoi was able to piece together the leaked Killjoy footage. The compilation gives us an idea of ​​what the new Agent can really do.

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