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Valorant Spike Guide: How to Buy, Drop, Install?

Valorant Spike Guide: How to Buy, Drop, Install?
How to install Valorant spike? How to drop the spike? We've covered everything you need to know about volume and durations in detail.

Valorant's main game mode revolves around the spike , which is the equivalent of the bomb in other tactical shooters like Counterstrike. It's really important to understand how it works, as all strategies in general are built around spikes. 

In this detailed Valorant spike guide , we'll cover its basic mechanics and teach you how to play around effectively, whether you're an attacker or a defender.


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Valorant Spike Guide: How to get, drop, install and disable?

In Valorant , the spike spawns with the attackers at the start of each round. You don't need to press any button to get the Spike, it willautomatically equip when you get close, just press the G key to release it . The player who receives the Spike will hold it until it is killed or chooses to let it go.

Spike can only be installed in an area marked with white lines. To set up the Spike, hold down the 4 key until your agent puts the bomb on the ground . If you are a defender, you can disable the spike by holding down the 4 key .


Spike duration: How long does it take to explode?

Understanding the spike's various timings is essential, as Valorant rounds can be determined by snapshots.

Here's what you need to know:

Spike takes 4 seconds to set up, 45 seconds after installing it will explode.


It takes 7 seconds to completely neutralize the Spike. When disabling you will see a bar measuring your completion progress, with a halfway mark in the middle of the bar. This line acts as a checkpoint, so if you get stuck midway but need to stop to defend yourself, the next time you or a teammate start neutralizing again, it will continue from the line instead of starting over.  

Naturally, it takes 3.5 seconds to deactivate from the midpoint of the spike point.

To summarize :

  • 4 seconds to install Spike

  • 45 seconds for Spike to explode

  • 7 seconds to completely disarm the Spike

  • 3.5 seconds to disarm from midpoint

If Spike explodes, all agents inside the explosion will die (except Reyna, who can survive using her Azlet ability).

Audio and visual cues from Valorant spike

Valorant spike has unique visual and audio cues to help you understand how to play around. As an attacker, you will be able to see the spike carrier in yellow on your minimap and white below the carrier's health bar.

If the carrier dies, the spike will also be displayed in yellow where it fell.


When the bomb is placed, the match timer will be replaced by a red indicator. It will start flashing as the spike beeps.

Spike sounds

  • First 25 seconds = 1 beep per second.

  • Between 25-35 seconds = 2 beeps per second.

  • 35-40 seconds = 4 beeps per second

  • 40 to burst = 8 beeps per second

With time and experience, you will eventually internalize these timings and play around them naturally, but it's important to know the specific timings as you learn.

Valorant Spike Tips and Tricks

♦ Tap the spike to pretend to dry/disarm

Tactical shooters like Valorant can often feel like chess matches due to the number of mind games involved. If you think an enemy is nearby before placing or neutralizing it, you can quicklytap the spike button .


Doing so will give the same sound cue as if you were pressing the 4 key. This can be effective at pulling enemies out of hiding and you're more likely to kill them as your weapon will be ready. But be careful how much time you have left to install or disable it . Some opponents may understand your bluff and wait before looking to waste your time.

Clean the site (if you have time)

If your team enters an area, be sure to check out as many normal defensive positions as possible before placing the spike. This is important because when placing the spike, your team will be missing a weapon. While this will take a few seconds, it will allow you to respond better as you will limit the number of places defenders can approach.


Whenever possible, let your ultimate activate teammate place or dispel the spike

Placing spikes or bringing them unraveling grants the player an ultimate point. So you can optimize rounds by allowing an ally to activate their ultimate. Of course, only do this if it's secure and you have full control of the site, such as in a 4 to 1 situation.

Agents with a transparent background in the agent slider at the top of the screen have their ultimate activated. Or you can check the scoreboard by pressing the Tab key and see in detail how many orbs they have received.

When the spike carrier dies, try to position around it


As a defender, there may be times when the spike carrier dies away from the attacking team. In these cases, adjust your game plan and try to position around the spike so that the attackers can't get it back. Your minimap will show where the spike is as long as one of your team can see it. On the other hand, if you are an aggressor, do your best to protect your spike carrier.

Use your agent abilities judiciously to plant and destroy

While gunfight is certainly incredibly important in Valorant , it's crucial that you understand how to get the most out of your agent abilities when it comes to playing around spike .

The first step is to avoid wasting all your skills at the start of a round, this is a mistake new players often make. Instead, try to spend only the abilities you really need for a turn, and play around the spike leave strong stuff.

Your spike carrier is dead and you're trying to get it back?

Use smoke abilities (Brimstone, Cypher, Jett, Omen, and Viper) to block vision and quickly regain it.

You deployed the Spike and are getting ready to counter-defend?

You can use Cypher's Booby Trap, Viper's Lair or Sage's Wall. These are just examples, you should develop your own methods as you gain experience in the game.

We have explained in detail how to install Valorant spike , how to leave it , decoding sound and much more. We hope it has been a guide for those new to Valorant.

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