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Valorant's 14th Agent Might Be Yruei

Valorant's 14th Agent Might Be Yruei
Valorant has only just begun to explore its rich character history and in-depth story. Fans think that Valorant's 14th agent could be named Yruei.
Valorant has become a gamer favorite within months of its release. In Valorant, an agent-focused game, players choose from a large list of agents with unique abilities. There are 4 different specializations for each agent and they are: Duelist, Vanguard, Scout and Control Specialist. The game currently has a total of 13 Valorant agents, including 4 Duelists, 3 Vanguards, 3 Sentinels, and 3 Controllers, and the dev team periodically tries to introduce a new agent at short intervals.
According to the game's story, all agents use Radianite, Kingdom Corporation. and is part of the Valorant Protocol, created to protect them from despicable use. Some agents have supernatural abilities, called Radiant, acquired from Raidanite, while others use Radianite in their weapons and gadgets. There was a rumor that the 14th Valorant agent could be named Shatter , based on his character model, according to an old data leak rumor , but it was soon discovered by former Riot Games lead character designer Ryan 'Morello' Scott that the name wasn't correct and Shatter was canceled long ago. He confirmed that he was a recruited agent.

New Valorant Agent Name Yruei ?

Riot Games leaves a lot of clues about agent 14, both in-game and in other sources. There were a few official silhouette wallpapers, a few mysterious events on the Icebox map, a few clues hidden in the dev logs, and hints of a Duelist. There's a good chance the next agent's name is Yruei . The name Yruei consists of two Kanji, these are; (yū) meaning "breath" or "dim" and (rei) meaning "soul". Yruei is a spirit of Japanese culture thought to be barred from a peaceful afterlife. In a study we conducted on this subject, we found the following information.
It is believed that if a person dies suddenly or violently, such as murder or suicide, without proper rituals, or if he is struck by strong emotions such as a desire for revenge, love, jealousy, hatred, or sadness, the reikon transforms into a yūrei and can then come back to the physical world.

The developer diary developed by Valorant 's creative director David Nottingham presented some images for Valorant players towards the end of the year. Among them, one image showed a camera view of an aircraft with four call signs; PHX for Phoenix, VPR for Viper, KJY for Killjoy and YRU to match rumored Yruei. This is a situation that supports speculation and claims.
After following all this confidential information, most of the fans are pretty sure that the 14th Valroant agent will be named Yruei and will most likely be of Japanese origin. Nothing can be said for sure until official confirmation. But one thing is certain;  fans should look forward to the next Valorant release.

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