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Viego Isn't Ready For The Professional Arena Yet

Viego Isn't Ready For The Professional Arena Yet
League of Legends developers have rolled up their sleeves to prepare Viego, the reigning champion of the valley, the Ruined King, for the professional arena. Players are eagerly awaiting balancing, which is expected to last at least two weeks.

The Riot Games game development team has started working on preparing Viego, the Ruined King, the last summoner member, who was included in the League of Legends champion roster in the past months, for the professional arena. Many players are curiously curious about how Viego will be used in the professional arena and its strategies, but Viego is not yet suitable for professional play, such that the character has not been in the LoL LEC organization for 3 weeks, and if it continues like this, it seems that he will not take part in the 8th week of the tournament.

Riot Games representative Maximilian Peter Schmidt said earlier this month that Riot Games will reassess the LEC appearance of King Ruined Viego after bug fixes in patch 11.4 . But apparently the champ still gives some problems to the developers. The jungle's intricate kit allows killed enemies to have their bodies, creating a unique interaction with all other champions in the game. However, this does introduce a few bugs that could potentially negatively impact competitive integrity.

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Our guess is that it won't take long and the developers will bring professional level balancing to Viego , making it a place among the LCS, LPL, LCK, LEC and other popular organizations. 

Viego Disabled For LoL LEC Week 9

Schmidt clarified the issue in a twitter post he shared,  confirming that Viego will be disabled in weeks 8 and 9 for the League of Legends LEC event . He also warned that we could see Viego in the LEC Spring Split 2021 playoffs and the LoL MSI tournament .

Additionally, chief champion designer August Browning explained that the Ruined King has a higher win rate than in the jungle, which could potentially cause a flex issue in pro play. 

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