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What is Valorant HRTF Audio Feature?

What is Valorant HRTF Audio Feature?
With the 2.06 patch, Riot Games is adding the long-awaited HRTF audio feature to the game. The HRTF technology, which the Valorant community has been insisting on for a while, is designed to simulate the reaction of players to sounds coming from a point in space.

Valorant 's most anticipated feature , HRTF , was introduced with patch 2.06 on March 30 . For a long time, most of the Valorant fans have been asking for the HRTF audio feature from Riot Games , so taking this request from the fans into account, the developer company has introduced a brand new setting to help improve the in-game audio. This new setting will allow gamers to toggle the audio streaming function, which will enable a more dynamic version of directional audio for headphone users.

What is HRTF?

HRTF  (Head-Related Transfer Function) is a brief description of how the human ear picks up sound from a sound source, providing " simulated surround sound " that allows you to hear sound more accurately from all directions . Simply put, in video games, HRTF audio transforms the player's headset into a 3D sound field, helping the player locate the source of the sound within the game as if they were using a virtual reality headset .

In Valorant, the most important way to learn the position of your opponents and gain an edge over them is to listen to the voices. From talent voices to character voice lines to footsteps. Almost any action in the game makes a noise of its own. Being able to hear these voices fully will result in your favor.


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How to Unlock Valorant HRTF Audio Feature?

Audio cues  allow players to locate their enemies on the map with greater precision. With the HRTF feature enabled, players will be able to more accurately identify in-game sounds such as footsteps and abilities sounds in a 3D space with the help of their ears. The HRTF feature in Valorant has been specially designed to improve the audio experience of headphone users, so if you are getting sound from the speaker, this setting will not be very useful for you.

Valorant HRTF applications ;

  • The patch added an audio toggle available in the Audio settings panel to enable HRTF.
  • HRTF allows gamers wearing headphones to play in a simulated surround sound field.
  • Currently, only footsteps, reloads, and Deathmatch respawns will be displayed in 3D with HRTF enabled.

It is recommended that  players turn off all other 3D audio processing when using this feature, and you should also turn off any existing audio enhancements in Windows 10 to experience HRTF to its full potential in Valorant

  • Click the Windows 10 start button and then type "Sound".
  • In the "Playback" tab, right-click the audio device for which you want to disable audio enhancements, and then select "Properties".
  • Click the "Enhancements" tab to view all available audio enhancements.
  • Click the Disable all enhancements checkbox.

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