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What We Know About PUBG New State

What We Know About PUBG New State
We have compiled all the information we know about PUBG New State from February 25, 2021 to the present day. The story, main structure and other details of the game are in the article.
PUBG Mobile 's new game, PUBG New State, which was recently announced as a surprise, was announced with a promotional trailer. Those who watched this promotional trailer were quite surprised that there was no speculation and information on this subject. The so-called game, also called PUBG 2.0 , is designed to offer players graphics that push the limits of mobile games, with support for cutting-edge Global Illumination rendering. In this way, you will have the best graphics options you can get in a mobile game. In addition, the fact that the story of the game takes place in 2051 will bring some changes in the game.

We will witness the struggle of 100 players on the new Troi map for PUBG New State . The map will be 8x8 km in diameter and will allow you to explore new aspects of the game thanks to its new texture.  PUBG Mobile 's classic battle mode will continue in the same way. Players will fight for the victory by being the last person or team standing with their teammates if they wish. Since the story of the game takes place in the future, various futuristic vehicles will be able to try technology products.

The first official announcement for PUBG New State was made on February 25, 2021 from the game's social media account. With this announcement, a new trailer was released and presented to the players, and the fans expressed their opinions and excitement about it. With the arrival of the map called Troi, a new atmosphere has been added to the game. If you want to join the futuristic nature of PUBG New State , you can pre-register via the Google Play Store . Currently, pre-registration is only available for Android devices. No announcement has been made about iOS devices for pre-registration yet, but it is expected to come for iOS devices soon.

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