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What You Know About Valorant's New Map Breeze

What You Know About Valorant's New Map Breeze
With the recent announcement of Night Market, speculation arose about "Breeze", which is supposed to be Valorant's sixth map. Everything you wonder about the new map is in the article.

Since the launch of the game, developers continue to periodically add quality content to Valorant, such as new characters and awesome cosmetics . However, one area where the game is lacking is the number of in-game maps. The arrival of a new map in the next act or episode has been a matter of curiosity among the Valorant player community for a while . With the start of a new chapter in Valorant and the latest patch 2.06 , many new elements have been added to the tactical shooter gameplay, such as Magicpunk weapon skins. Brand new map at the start of new episodes, as promised by Riot, as new agents are introduced with each actare quite possible. Initial speculation from relevant data miners was that the new map would be named " Foxtrot ", but some recent leaks and research suggest that the map's real name is " Breeze " . That's why Valorant Chapter 2 Part 2 is almost over, and a brand new map may be included in the game with Part 3 .


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Valorant currently has five maps in total, namely Haven, Bind, Ascent, Split and Icebox . On the Breeze map, which is claimed to be the sixth of these maps, each of which has a unique element such as three bomb sites or teleportation, the ship figure that is widely displayed can be the show component of the new map. Here's everything you need to know about the latest map, starting point and location;

New Map Breeze Leaks 

With the release of the latest Caribbean-themed Night Market , not only is the new map, but Valorant's 16th Agent is speculated to come from the same area. As it is known , Night Market posters are famous for giving hints about Valorant's upcoming content. While the first night market poster heralded the arrival of Yoru, the second poster introduced us to Astra. It seems that the Night Market themes are a harbinger of Valorant's upcoming actions. The theme also has a hidden coordinate that points to the Bermuda Triangle just north of the Caribbean Sea. This theory

Neither an official statement nor a release date has been announced by Riot for the Breeze map yet, but considering the recently added Icebox map was released with the Chapter 1 Chapter 3 update, the arrival of a new map at the beginning of Valorant Chapter 2 Chapter 3 is not far away. does not seem likely.

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