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When Are LoL 12.1 Patch Notes Coming Out?

When Are LoL 12.1 Patch Notes Coming Out?
League of Legends patch 12.1 and the first balance changes of Season 12 are on the way. This time, Riot Games is targeting the famous legendary Immortal Shield.

League of Legends patch 12.1 andthe first balance changes of Season 12 are on the way. This time around, Riot Games is targeting the famous legendary Immortal Shield, updating Annie and releasing Ekko's new Arcane skin. 

League of Legends season 12 has officially kicked off with the champion, item, and Summoner's Rift changes inDecember's heavy pre-season update . Update 12.1 is currently on League's PBE test servers. These include the long-awaited Immortal Shield bow nerf, the Might of Nature buff, a few Eclipse changes, and more. Champion changes are also on the way, and above all, the doors of the Blue Essence Store are reopening.


►  LoL Season 12 Patch Schedule (2022)


 Here are all the details about the LoL 12.1 patch notes, which will be out in two weeks .

League of Legends 12.1 PBE Patch Notes



  • Rengar will now Camouflage after one second of R activation (was two seconds before).
  • During Camouflage, Rengar gains True Sight on any nearby champion for 20 seconds.
  • Rengar attacks when Camouflaged.
  • R grants 60% movement speed.


Immortal Shield

  • Attack damage 55 ⇒ 50
  • Shield 300-800 ⇒ 275-650


  • Cooldown buff reverted
  • Cooldown: 6s ⇒ 8s (melee)

Power of Nature

  • Effect duration: 5s ⇒ 7s
  • Damage reduction: 20% ⇒ 25%

End of Mind

  • New Build
    - Furnace Ax
    - Anti-Magic Cloak
    - Pickaxe
    - 675 Gold

Kalkanyay was finally hit by nerfs

Riot is finally dethroning a very powerful majestic item, the Shieldboat, in Season 11, and the new patch also nerfs the item. LoL developers focused on nerfing the popular AD magnificence item, with its down to 50 damage and iconic shield. The protective dome will now block between 275 and 650 damage per activation and will decrease from 300 to 800 at its strongest.

Riot adds Debonair skins

Season 12 's first patch, arriving on January 4, features just three new skins, including the latest in cosmetics from the hit Netflix series Arcane.

Here are all the skins in this update:

Arcane Ekko

Tree Ancestor Rek'Sai - 1350 RP

Tree Ancestor Gnar - 1350 RP

When will League of Legends 12.1 patch be released?

The first patch of League of Legends Season 12, 12.1,will take place on live servers on January 4, according to the 2022 patch schedule . Matchmaking and competitive queues on all League of Legends serverswill be disabled three hours before the official release of the final Season 12 patch .

► Big discounts on RP are waiting for you. Now all Riot Points RP products are in stock at the best prices, click to buy: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends

TAGS: League of Legends Haberleri League of Legends yama lol yama lol yama notu League of Legends yama notları Lol yama notları League of Legends, league of legends yama notu lol yaması LoL yama notları takvimi League of Legends League of Legends Sezon Öncesi Güncellemeleri League of Legends Sezon Öncesi değişiklikleri League of Legends 12.Sezonu League of Legends 12.Sezon League of Legends 12.Sezon yama League of Legends 12.Sezon yama notları League of Legends 12.Sezon yama takvimi League of Legends 12.Sezon yama tarihleri League of Legends 12.Sezon yaması League of Legends 12.1 yaması League of Legends yama 12.1 LoL yama 12.1 LoL yama notu 12.1 LoL yama notları 12.1 LoL 12.1 LoL 12.1 yama LoL 12.1 yaması LoL 12.1 yama notu LoL 12.1 yama notları LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman başlıyor LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman çıkıyor LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman çıkacak LoL 12.1 yama notları çıkış tarihi League of Legends sezon öncesi güncellemesi LoL yama 12.1 şampiyon değişiklikleri LoL yama 12.1 eşya değişiklikleri LoL yama 12.1 şampiyon güncellemeleri LoL yama 12.1 eşya güncellemeleri LoL yama 12.1 ölümsüz kalkanyay LoL yama 12.1 doğanın kudreti LoL yama 12.1 aklın sonu LoL yama 12.1 tutulma LoL yama 12.1 arcane ekko kostümü LoL yama 12.1 arcane ekko skins LoL yama 12.1 Ağaç Ata Rek’Sai LoL Ağaç Ata Rek’Sai LoL Ağaç Ata Rek’Sai kostümü LoL Ağaç Ata Rek’Sai kaç rp LoL Ağaç Ata Rek’Sai skin LoL Ağaç Ata Rek’Sai skins LoL Ağaç Ata Gnar LoL Ağaç Ata Gnar kostümü LoL Ağaç Ata Gnar skins LoL Ağaç Ata Gnar kaç rp League of Legends 12.1 yaması League of Legends yama 12.1 LoL yama 12.1 LoL yama notu 12.1 LoL yama notları 12.1 LoL 12.1 LoL 12.1 yama LoL 12.1 yaması LoL 12.1 yama notu LoL 12.1 yama notları LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman başlıyor LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman çıkıyor LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman LoL 12.1 yama notları ne zaman çıkacak LoL 12.1 yama notları çıkış tarihi League of Legends sezon öncesi güncellemesi LoL yama 12.1 şampiyon değişiklikleri LoL yama 12.1 eşya değişiklikleri LoL yama 12.1 şampiyon güncellemeleri LoL yama 12.1 eşya güncellemeleri LoL yama 12.1 ölümsüz kalkanyay

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