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LoL 13.15 PBE Patch Notes | Soul Fighter Skins Series 2 Coming

LoL 13.15 PBE Patch Notes | Soul Fighter Skins Series 2 Coming
LoL 13.15 patch is about to arrive with many champions nerfs, buffs and some other important tweaks to keep the game healthy.

The 13.15 update, which will kick off League of Legends' August cycle, will bring more balance changes to the popular MOBA, and the developers are hoping to address some of the troublesome champions lately; Includes six champion buffs, seven champion nerfs and four major fixes. Matt Leung-Harrison notes that the focus of patch 13.15 is to help  weaker characters as well as overpowering picks like Aatrox and Kai'Sa.

Of course, all eyes are now on the Worlds patch (13.19). Leung-Harrison says the team has started working on this meta specifically. The Spirit Guard character skins are also expanding and offer five exciting entries, including an incredible Jhin skin that you can purchase for rp.

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What's in LoL 13.15 Patch?

Rit Games is withdrawing its debuff as LoL's newest champion, Naafiri, debuted with an extremely low 40.60% win rate.

A key target this week, Aatrox, Ivern, and Kai'Sa⁠ are open to nerfs like Maokai, Sejuani, and Shyvana, in other successful changes. On the other hand, patch 13.15 will buff Caitlyn, Camille, Gwen, Nami, Taliyah, and sword brothers Yasuo and Yone. Arrangements are coming in Annie, Heimerdinger and Yorick.

Riot begins work on the 2023 World Championship meta

This week, Leung-Harrison confirmed that the August 2 update will be the first of a five-patch run to the MOBA's annual premiere tournament, where the best characters in the pro game are getting a scrutiny from the balance team.

Popular Spirit Guard skins get doubled

In this update, Evelynn, Gwen, Jhin, Shaco, and Viego are all getting new Soul Fighter variants. There will also be a Prestige edition for Shaco.

All skins coming with patch 13.15:

Soul Fighter Evelynn | 1,350 RPSoul Fighter Gwen | 1,350 RP
Soul Fighter Shaco | 1,350 RPPrestige Soul Fighter Shaco | 2,000 Event Tokens
Soul Fighter Jhin | 1,350 RPSoul Fighter Viego | 1,820 RP

Here are all the leaked changes until Riot Games releases the official notes.

PBE Patch Notes: 13.15


  • Critical hit chance damage ratio increased: 1.2 >>> 1.3
  • R crit chance damage ratio increased: 2.5% damage per 10% crit >>> 3.5% damage per 10% crit


  • AD growth increased: 3.5 >>> 3.8
  • R base damage increased: 5/10/15 >>> 20/30/40


  • Base health regen increased: 8.5 >>> 9
  • Increased base bonus resistors: 17/19/21/23/25 >>> 22/24/26/28/30


  • Passive movement speed increased: 90 >>> 100
  • Passive ability power ratio increased: 20% >>> 25%
  • Q base damage increased: 75/130/185/240/295 >>> 90/145/200/255/310


  • Q base damage per incremental stone: 45/65/85/105/125 >>> 50/70/90/110/130
  • E cooldown reduced: 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 16/15.5/15/14.5/14
  • E monster damage increased: 150% >>> 175%


  • Base shield now uses level growth (+30 at level 3, +75 at level 6, +125 at level 9, +79 at level 16)


  • Base shield increased: 45 – 65 (by level) >>> 55 – 75 (by level)


  • Q attack damage ratio reduced: 60 – 100% >>> 60 – 90%


  • Magic resist reduced: 32 >>> 30
  • Magic resist increase reduced: 2.05 >>> 1.3


  • Base health reduced: 670 >>> 640
  • Reduced Q's AP per Missile: 30% >>> 20%
  • W Cooldown refund reduced: 77% >>> 75%


  • Q bonus monster damage reduced: 100/120/140/160/180 >>> 80/100/120/140/160


  • W first hit base damage reduced: 20/25/30/35/40 >>> 10/15/20/25/30
  • W second strike base damage reduced: 30/70/110/150/190 >>> 20/60/100/140/180


  • AD growth decreased: 3,4 >>> 3
  • Health gain reduced: 109 >>> 104


  • Tibbers base resistance changed: 30/60/90 >>> 30 – 90 (depending on level)
  • Tibbers resistors no longer scale with 5% AP
  • Tibbers base health changed: 1300/2200/3100 >>> 1150 – 3500 (based on level)


  • H-28G base health increased: 850 - 1450 (by level) >>> 725 - 1525 (by level)
  • H-28G armor increased: 10 – 80 (by level) >>> 30 – 90 (by level)
  • H-28G magic resist increased: 25 – 65 (based on level) >>> 30 – 90 (based on level)


  • Maiden of the Mist base health changed: 350/ 1825/ 3300 >>> 400 – 1650 (by level)
  • Maiden of the Mist health ratio reduced: 70% of Yorick's max health >>> 60% of Yorick's max health
  • The Maiden of the Mist now has 10 – 50 (based on level) armor and magic resist
  • The Maiden of the Mist now has 12.5 health regen


Night Scythe

  • Now only triggers on auto attacks, direct spells, and pets.



Now deals 20 – 160 (based on level) damage against pets.

When will the new 13.15 patch notes be released?

League of Legends 13.15 notes are coming on Wednesday, August 2, according to the Riot Games patch calendar .

Once the patch preparation phase begins, the server will be down for several hours. All rank queues in League of Legends will be disabled for three hours before the update goes live.

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